This is a deep dive into all things cannabis with one of the pioneers of the industry, Len May. Len goes over the different implications of cannabinoids and the long history of humans and the cannabis plant.
This is a deep dive into all things cannabis with one of the pioneers of the industry, Len May. Len goes over the different implications of cannabinoids and the long history of humans and the cannabis plant. Len takes the time to walk me through my genetics and what the implications are for my future cannabis consumption.
Len May is a Certified Medical Cannabis Specialist in Medicinal Genomics, with 25 years of cannabis-related experience. He is president of the Cannabis Action Network, and a board member and lifetime member of California Cannabis Association. May has a Masters of Medical Cannabis and an Endocannabinoid Formulation Specialist Certification from the Institute for the Advancement of Integrative Medicine. Currently, Len May is CEO and Co-Founder of Endocanna Health, a Bio-Science Technology company.
[3:20] Going from Philadelphia to LA to cannabis
[10:10] Benefits from the different cannabinoids
[17:23] Genetics and the endocannabinoid systems
[25:15] Research behind cannabis genetics
[28:45] My genetics and my predispositions reacting with endocannabinoids
[44:44] What’s covered in the genetics report
[50:15] Opioid dependence predisposition
[54:30] Legalization
Cannabis Gets Personal with Len May
Use of Cannabidiol in the Treatment of Epilepsy
Boomer Anderson: [00:00:00]Welcome to decoding superhuman. This show is a deep dive into obsessions withhealth performance, and how to elevate the human experience. I explore thelatest tools, science and technology with experts in various fields of humanoptimization. This is your host boomer Anderson. Enjoy the journey.
Allright, So today on the podcast, we're going to be talkingabout cannabis. Yes. We're going to dive deep into marijuana. And in previouspodcasts, I've talked about marijuana cannabis, the endocannabinoid system, andso much more. And under the, really the lens of compounds of controversy. Buttoday I wanted to bring on a guy who I can tell we're already going to be goodfriends, Len May.
And in case you don't know Len, Len is the CEO of endohealth and he is the OG. In the cannabis industry, he's got a backgroundfounding, one of the first cannabis dispensary chains in California. And we getinto that on the podcast where we talk about just what it's like to have thefeds shut down your business.
But he's also worked in cannabis. Activism has won numerousawards, traveled all around the world in the name of the cannabis plant. Andnow has a company called endo. Health. And what does endo health do andspecifically what is the end of Kennedy? And I report to, we go through this onthe podcast. So if you're listening to this, I encourage you to also bring upthe YouTube channel because we go through my report on the podcast.
Yes. I opened the kimono, like always to talk about what aremy unique genetic differences when it comes to cannabis intake. Why is thatimportant? And specifically, why do things like anxiety and THC come up? Whydoes opioid dependence seem to ring true for me when it comes to geneticpredispositions and also why is the weather and Amsterdam causing me to havedifferent variances and energy?
It all has a genetic correlation and we're going to cover ittoday on the podcast. So let's hand it over to my conversation with Len may.And if you want the show notes for this one, and you want to check out cannabisgenetics for yourself, head on over to decoding and that's LE N.
Now for my conversation with the O G of the cannabisindustry Len May.
Len welcome to the show.
Len May: [00:03:00]Thanks brother. Appreciate it.
Boomer Anderson: [00:03:01]You know, sometimes with these shows, I, I. Should just record the conversationfrom the outset cause you and I were just kicking it earlier, uh, and talkingabout a little bit of an interesting connection through Philadelphia and itbegs the question of how does someone go from Philadelphia, which is I grew upout in the suburbs, but, uh, you know, you grew up downtown.
How does someone go from Philadelphia to LA and from LA tocannabis? Do you mind just connecting some dots for us here?
Len May: [00:03:35]Yeah, I think just a little bit of background. Uh, I grew up, I was born inLithuania and I immigrated my parents immigrated when I was like six years old.And, uh, I was the kid in school who would sit there and the, I would daydreamall these different thoughts will come into my head and I just couldn't payattention.
It wasn't a, it was a hyperactive, but. So later on in life,I'll get diagnosed with a add that wasn't the age part of it. And they startedputting me in all kinds of prescription medication and some of them work, butthey all suck. It made me feel like shit.
Boomer Anderson: [00:04:11]So we're talking like Ritalin or something
Len May: [00:04:13]else?
Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Like, I don't remember all of them, butthere was like three or four different guys that were putting me on. And, uh,then I was hanging out with some kids in school and asked me if I wanted toshare a cigarette. So I was like the, you know, I'm going to be a cool kid. I'mgoing to smoke cigarettes with these older kids.
And they passed me a cigarette and I took a drag of it andinhaled, and I started coughing and it wasn't a cigarette. It was cannabis. Iwas like, but what happened was I went back to class and the window is open andmy brain sort of slow down and I could focus on like, Holy shit. I just foundmy medicine.
And, uh, I started consuming that later on in life. Myparents would catch me and they ended up kicking me out of the house andactually calling the cops on me trying to have me arrested old school. But theirony of that is that they consume the formulations that I helped to develop.Now there were problems, so it came back full circle.
Cool. But, uh, just to fast forward, uh, I became an activist.I became, uh, president of the cannabis action network. I held a rally inPhiladelphia in independence hall. For those of you. No, no, no. That's wherethe constitution, the declaration of dependence is. And the all written on hemppaper, by the way. And I had this activist who was speaking, uh, she was, hername is LV Maseca and she was one of the first people get medical, uh, uh,federally prescribed cannabis for her degenerative glaucoma.
So. Uh, the federal government used to have a program wherethey would prescribe or allow 16 people at its height to have medical cannabis,even though it was scheduled one, which the government's saying there is nomedicinal purposes. On the other hand, they're prescribing, allowing thesepeople to get this cannabis medicine.
That's cultivated in Mississippi and had a USDA label. Soshe would take out our 10 take out her pre-roll, uh, from the government andsmoke. And I was like, man, this is the future. It's going to be illegal inPennsylvania. And this was 1993. So it took, took a little while. It took a fewyears, but, uh, in, in doing so, uh, you know, cannabis was a, definitely apart of my life, but.
I met a girl and she was like, okay, Hey, you have to getinto, and I was, I was a music buyer for tower records. For those of you oldenough, I remember tower records.
Boomer Anderson: [00:06:30]I'm a
Len May: [00:06:30]music guy. So that was my, that was my background. I was like, I don't want towork corporate. So she's like, you have to get a real job.
So I went to work for Pricewaterhouse at the time and didthat for a while and became a, then I quit that and became a commercial realestate broker and the. Uh, she, you know, she was an actress, so we ended upgoing back and forth to LA and finally decided to move. So I moved over and Iwas sitting in an office, a real estate office, and these guys came in and theywanted to get, they were talking to another realtor about opening analternative pharmacy.
A guy came over as a guy. I don't know what these guysreally want to talk to them. At the end of the day, they wanted to open up adispensary and they didn't know what, uh, you know, what to do. So I asked themfor paperwork where they have, they didn't have anything. I helped them get aspace and they offered me a partnership.
So I became a partner and we opened up the first dispensaryin orange County, California called Kush kingdom. And I sort of used my idea ofthis, uh, Keller Williams kind of model that I used to have to open upadditional places. So, uh, under the same flag. So we were the first, I don'twant to say we're the first franchise, cause I have no idea.
Maybe there's other ones, but we were one of the firstestablished franchises. They were open up in the same umbrella. And one of mypartners called me up one day and he's like, Hey, I'm sitting here with corruptfrom Dogpound Snoop's group. And who wants to name a strain after him? I waslike, ah, cool.
Does he have a computer? And so I sent him a, an agreementwe signed and we were the exclusive home of corrupts Kush and the, the next,uh, next year, or like seven, eight months later, we did the same thing with amethod man from a Wu Tang clan. And we'll exclusive home of, uh, um, Methodmass blackout. Oh, gee.
So ended up opening five shops and we were the hip hop guysand everybody in the hip hop world would come to us for the wear our gear.We'll give them like a free pre-rolls and stuff. If you take a picture whereour gear somewhere.
Boomer Anderson: [00:08:29]So he does a social media and influencer marketing.
Len May: [00:08:32]It was exactly it, it wasn't so on Facebook and, and we were just blowing upand then I get a call from my, one of my managers and my store.
And she was like, Hey, uh, the feds are here. What do I do?I'm like, whatever the fuck they tell you. And it was like one after the other,they shut us down. That last shop was in Santa Ana. They had a grow in it aswell. And the guy from department, this was the only one that I actually cameto. Uh, and the guy from department justice, like, let's go for a walk.
So we started walking and he's like, look, I have no problemwith dope. My mom takes for a cancer. And he said open, which was interesting.Anyway, he was like, look, 14 days, cease and desist. Nobody will, you couldjust close down shop. And it was, uh, it was this whole quid pro quo because wegot a little too big and they need to make a, uh, you know, an example of us.
Yeah, we got shut down. But that, that, that allowed me alaunching pad into sort of what I'm doing now and to understand, uh, wherecannabis can be a personal experience for people.
Boomer Anderson: [00:09:34]Yeah, and I want to come back to that activism side of things a little bitlater, particularly as it regards to current schedule, one of what probablyshouldn't be a schedule, one substance, uh, and, uh, one of the, you alluded toone of the benefits that you initially received from cannabis and for thoselistening, To this show today who may not necessarily have the perspectivethat, uh, people who have used cannabis or have read the research, uh, do whatare some of the, I mean, what are some of the benefits that one can gain byusing, uh, cannabinoids of different substances or different strains, or Iguess different cannabinoids?
Len May: [00:10:19]Yeah. And that's a great question. Uh, I think I'm going to answer that bygiving a little bit of one-on-one if you don't mind. Uh, I really believe thatpeople don't understand or don't know about the endocannabinoid system.
Boomer Anderson: [00:10:31]Yeah. Let's dig into this because I mean, we only discovered this, what. 20years ago.
A little bit more than that.
Len May: [00:10:38]Yeah. So, uh, yeah. Uh, Dr. Raphael, Michelle, uh, discovered in thecannabinoid system in Israel. Well, I had the pleasure of meeting one, afascinating person. I wanted to meet him for
Boomer Anderson: [00:10:47]a long time.
Len May: [00:10:48]Absolutely. Should get a Nobel prize for his discovery of the primaryregulatory system.
That's in our bodies. Yeah. I don't think people know. Andyou, you're talking about. I know with people about, you know, biohacking anddoing things that you can do for your body, but Without the use of yourendocannabinoid system and being able to modulate that, then you're missing awhole system. So the endocannabinoid system think of it this way.
It's like a puppet master. It modulates all the othersystems. And the way that it's different is that it actually it's examsswimming upstream is get signals from all your other systems. And it processesthose signals and it tells the other systems, through its own indogenousendocannabinoids.
What chemicals do they need to release in order tomodularize those systems. So the main goal of the endocannabinoid system is tobring balance within our entire body, which is called homeostasis. And one ofthe primary ways that it does that it produces its own indogenousendocannabinoids. So the first one's called an anti-Semite and your listenersprobably know this already and it's in the repeat, but I'll I'll.
I have to kind of set the tone and the base for this. Pleasedemand the mic. An animal it's produced, uh, mostly out of, uh, the Migdal orthe, the brain central nervous system. Uh, but for the most part it's producedout of your brain and the, the word Anon means bliss in Sanskrit. So this isyour bliss hormone.
And the second a chemical that the endocannabinoid systemproduces is called to AIG. And it's mostly found in your immune and they justhave system. So we produce these chemicals naturally. And what happens is a lotof people have deficiencies in our naturally producing indogenous and thecabinets. And we're lucky that we found a plant in nature, which is cannabisthat has phytocannabinoids the sort of mimic the way the endogenous and thecannabinoids work.
And the other thing is we already have receptors built intoour bodies to accept those phytocannabinoids. So cannabis is literally a partof us. And what my theory is that over the years of prohibition, becausecannabis. Was part of a natural consumption diet in people didn't even knowthat because it will grow everywhere.
Animals would eat. It would be in our water supply would beat our foods.
Boomer Anderson: [00:13:12]was something like a 5,000 year relationship with cannabis. Right? Like
Len May: [00:13:17]you told her that. So they just found cannabis going back to, uh, an areawhere, which has now Tibet, uh, have gone back about, uh, eight, 9,000 yearsago. So it's been.
And it's been a relationship with us for as long as we canpossibly remember there's ceremonies in, in ancient Israel, do they found the,the reused for, uh, like incense holders that had cannabis in it? It's been,it's been used in the shin dynasty in China. It's been used for thousands of years,uh, as a spiritual religious practice.
It also is a therapeutic herbs for different things. And,uh, But just to remember one thing, and this is really important. The amountsthat were used for thousands of years were minimal amounts of THC. There's abalance in this amazing plant that has these cannabinoids. And like I said, uh,an animate. So THC, when you get THC from the plant and the cannabis plant, itbinds CB one receptor that's in your central nervous system in your brain andmimics how an anda might work.
So that gives you that. That a bliss. So that's the euphoricpart of it that actually accentuates a. What's what's called munchies. Youknow, it makes you makes you hungry. Uh, but it doesn't make you hungry forkale. It makes you hungry for things that excite you, that give you thatdopamine hit an antibody.
That's what it does. So it's salt, fat, and sugar thatyou're, you're not, you're not going to your seven 11 to get, you know, your,your lettuce. Whatever it is. So that's one thing, but the other thing is itworks as an analgesic for instance. So it blocks those receptors of pain, uh,et cetera, and then CB CBD.
Actually, there's an enzyme that converts that and bind tothe CB two receptor, which helps the modulator, our immune and digestivesystem. And in addition to the. A fighter can add. So there's a bunch ofdifferent ones. There's somewhere about 500 different chemicals in this plant.There's also other minor cannabinoids, uh, CBG, CBN, et cetera.
And there is also, uh turpines and what terpenes are thebasic, the essential oils that are plant producers. So every single plant hasthese essential oils that are producers in cannabis. They work in concert withthe cannabinoids to produce an effect. So to answer your question, going backabout what can cannabis do to benefit people?
Well, it depends on the individual. So for some people. Andcan actually help them with, uh, some feelings of depression. For some people,it can alleviate anxiety for some people, it can alleviate pain, uh, thennausea. So there is, there is, uh, you know, hundreds of hundreds of benefitsto the plant about regulating your endocannabinoid system.
But the key is to understand. What it is that the personactually needs for themselves because there's also, uh, adverse effects thatcan happen. If you're consuming something that's incorrect to you, you mayexperience something that you may not like. And one of the biggest things thathappens with people is that when they consume cannabis, THC itself is avasodilators.
Boomer Anderson: [00:16:24]we're referring just for everybody out there. We're referring to Delta nine,THC, right. A
Len May: [00:16:28]Delta nine THC, which is the decarboxylate. You're absolutely right. So when,which is a really good point when you actually can get the plan, the planitself has all these molecules. They have an acid molecule and a molecule, soit's would be like THCA.
So if you're eating the raw plan, you're not converting thatthere is a process called decarboxylation, which happens is when you heat.Cannabis, the acid molecule drops off and when it drops off, then you have thatbinding to the receptor and then you have that feeling. So, yeah, that'sabsolutely
Boomer Anderson: [00:16:59]right.
Uh, th this is absolutely fascinating. One, uh, a couple ofthings that I just want to, I guess, double click on a little bit, because it.You mentioned the word receptors and you know, people listening to show no, I'ma D data geek. And so receptors imply a genetic involvement here. And, um,let's, let's talk a little bit about that, right?
Because how different are perhaps you and I are, um, myselfand maybe my fiance in terms of our endocannabinoid systems. How much do weknow about that?
Len May: [00:17:37]Well, the endocannabinoid system is pretty much the same. It's the expression.So it's the way that we express those. So it's your epigenetic response andyour genetics can kind of guide you into what the predisposition is.
So, so from what I was saying about, uh, vasodilators. Whichwas a really good example. So what happens with people sometimes is theyconsume cannabis and like, Oh no, cannabis is not. For me. It makes me stressmake, it gives me anxiety.
Boomer Anderson: [00:18:07]It makes me consume 10,000 calories
Len May: [00:18:09]or something. Exactly. I know. I don't want that stuff.
That's that's a side effect that listen, it's, it's not theworst side effect you can have from medicine. I think read all the side effectsfrom every single medication that you take from, uh,
Boomer Anderson: [00:18:20]listen to the commercials, right. They just speed. Read it at the
Len May: [00:18:23]end. It'll make you bleed out of your eyes and all that stuff.
What what? So, so what happens with people sometimes, andthis is where the THC conversation comes in. It's a vasodilators. So what'sgoing to happen is constrict your blood vessels. Your heart is going to pumpfaster and people get a little bit freaked out about that. They're like, Oh myGod, my, my heart's beating faster.
I'm getting paranoid and getting anxiety. Do you have apredisposition to anxiety or stress? What you sort of heightening thatexperience for yourself now, the gene that's dormant, that's sitting there now.You turn it on. It's expressed as being triggered. And a lot of it happenswith. High amounts of THC and also terpene profiles.
So for some people, as they're consuming that it canactually create a adverse effect for me. Uh, I'll give an example of how we canbe different. So CBD, which dot. So be it's, it's an everywhere everybody'sselling CBD. Yes. This is true. Saw CBD pillows and CBD underwear, which Idon't remember. I sure what that's going to do, but okay.
There is, there is a, this a phytocannabinoid or. Uh, Icalled cannabidiol and people say, well, I take it to sleep. It helps me sleep.Okay. Well, when I consume it, it doesn't do that. So when I consume CBD, itactually just makes me calm. Like I can watch stupid TV, but it doesn't make mesleepy and an, a person next to me, like, maybe you can consume it.
And it was like, Oh my it's it's the best sleeping pill I'veever taken. So everybody's experience is different and it definitely dependson. And your, your endocannabinoid system in your own? Not just in thecabinets.
Boomer Anderson: [00:20:05]Okay. So, uh, at this point, I think it's worth us kind of diving into thegenetics, right?
Because, um, Uh, I've got somewhat of a background andunderstanding the probabilistic nature of genetics and how they work. Uh, but Iwas fascinated when you offered me the opportunity to upload my genome and justreally get this research on myself. So first off, thank you for doing that.And, uh, you know, what we want to do for those who are listening to this, youcan check out the YouTube video.
Uh, we're going to go through. My genetics here live. Andfor the record, I have not shared this with Len before. Um, but we are going togo through them live and we're going to see, uh, exactly what we can learnabout the endocannabinoid system, uh, through the genetic profile. So that
Len May: [00:20:54]sound okay? Yeah, that sounds good.
Uh, does that help to give you, uh, listeners a little bitof background, how you even got to the spot in, in genetics? Like I went fromdispensary's and
Boomer Anderson: [00:21:05]actually, you know what completely blanked, right? Because you went fromdispensary's to activism and let's,
Len May: [00:21:13]I was an activist. I was an activist for a, you know, forever, since I becamethe president of the cannabis action network.
I'm still an activist in the way you were talking aboutactivism, but, uh, this was my aha moment. So. W when we got shut down, I hadaccess to what you just refer to as different strains, right? Uh, withdifferent cultivars of cannabis. And my goal is always been the therapeuticqualities of, of cannabis to help people.
And so. Sort of underground. I'm not a doctor, I'm not amedical professional, but I've had, you know, 27, 28 years of experience withus. Anecdotal evidence is pretty good, especially in something that'sprohibited. And when I see two people that have the same exact Coldwater, we'regiving them the same strain and they have the same symptomatic condition, butit gives them a complete different effect.
It sort of was a light bulb moment for me. And I becameobsessed. My add is like I can multitask and do a million things at once. Or Ican hyper focus on something that actually is like kicking dopamine and me. UhI'm hyper-focused I became obsessed with trying to find what it is that is thisdifference maker.
And I came across a video of a guy named Kevin McKernan.Who's the first person, one of the first people, genetically sequence cannabis.And I, uh, Reached out to him. Uh, long story, trying to make it short. I endedup working directly with, uh, with Kevin and, and learn how to extract DNA fromplant material, how to purify DNA and how to sequence that.
And, uh, we started the first, uh, cannabis, uh, geneticlibrary called can a pedia, uh, where I can see we can like strains of bluedream or was the name of a strain. So I can get five different blue dreams andI can genetically sequence them. And I can see like two of them were identical.The other two are cousins.
They're not exactly the blue dream. There are sort of alittle bit of a high release. They have the base of it. And on the other one isnot even close to blue dream. It's still call blue dream. So I, you know, thesenames of strains that people give them are really bullshit. It doesn't meananything. It's all about.
The cannabinoid and terpene profile of what exactly it isand in doing so, they had a pharmacogenomics company that was their parentcompany that did genetic sequencing for disease States like, uh, autism andcancer, et cetera. And we had a meeting with doctors at Harvard medical schoolthat were treating kids with epilepsy, using CBD at the time.
And they all came in. They were like, Oh man, it's amazing.We're going from a hundred seizures a day to zero. And then some doctors saidwe have some outliers, uh, either it's not working for them or the teacherscoming back. So we went through a genetic sequence of those kids. Uh, we sawthat they had a common genetic variant, their genetic variant in common, whichwas for a form of epilepsy Dravet syndrome.
And we ended up publishing on that. And so Epidiolex wasreally created a GW pharma, uh, created this, uh, first of the approved productbased on the research, looking at a specific type of epilepsy, not justepilepsy in general. And when that happened, I was just like, my mom was born.I said, there's other markers that we can go after.
And they had no interest in it. They wanted to focus only inthe plant, not the human side. So I took one of their scientists and thelaunched endo. I know Canada health in 2017. So that's kind of the bridge ofhow we got to from the genetics to where we're doing now.
Boomer Anderson: [00:24:46]It's fascinating. You realize you're involved in Epidiolex and all, all ofthat.
Len May: [00:24:50]Well, I wasn't, I wasn't involved in GW pharma. I'm just saying.
Boomer Anderson: [00:24:54]Yeah. The research that you did led to it. Right? So, um, just so that peoplecan get a comfort because a lot of genetics tests, and this is the fault of thedirect to consumer test, right? There's a lot of tests out there that candidlyare crap in the sense, and I've gone through yours and I know that's not,that's not the case.
Otherwise you wouldn't be on the show talking to me rightnow, but I'm looking at. Uh, just sort of the amount of research behindcannabis genetics. Can you just give us a little taste of how many papers gointo, uh, sort of what we're going to look out here in a second?
Len May: [00:25:32]Yeah, so it's a really good question.
There's two things that I want to point out. Number one. Isdata security and you know, everybody's like, Oh man, you're going to clone me.You're going to take my DNA. Okay. If your DNA was that special, somebody wouldswab your Starbucks cup and have you DNA already. So yeah, we just, just soyour audience can know we are collecting data.
Absolutely collecting data. It's really, really important tolearn from that data, but that, that is fully anonymized. Uh, our, ourinformation resides on Amazon's AWS platform, we're HIPAA, uh, PETA and all thedifferent, uh, whatever the acronyms are fully compliant with all those, uh, OnAWS, which is like a 61 page paper.
And the reason why we don't care about your boomers data,specifically your information. So the personal information is a one-side, yourDNA's resides in the other side. What we're trying to do is fine. You know, usea thousand people. With a similar genotype that I've taken this type offormulation and it had a positive effect.
So our AI would learn from that and we would then be betterat making our suggestions. So I want to make sure, and then your data isanonymized. So you have login and password. You're the only one that can seethat. And the reason why you're sharing your information with me is because Ican't see your information.
I cannot access your report. So I want to make sure that's,that's really important to say, as far as. Research, there are people saythere's not enough research in cannabis.
Boomer Anderson: [00:27:05]There's not this common complaint, right?
Len May: [00:27:08]Yeah. None of those there's over 18,000 studies that have been published in pubmed and CBI alone.
And so we do is every single piece of information has tohave a peer reviewed reference associated with that. Not only that, but we alsohave a science team. That I think is, uh, is pretty impressive science teamthat we are AI flags, those studies. From all over the world, universities inAustralia and Europe and Israel, and then we have a grading system for them.
So it fits a, uh, it fits a study associated with, uh, youknow, 10 men, uh, 30 to 35 in, in Asia. Uh, it's gonna get thrown out. It's nota good enough study. Uh, so the studies have have a weight system in vivo andvitro, et cetera, how many, and then they end up going through our human sideand we make sure that those studies qualify.
And the third thing I want to say is it's an ongoinglearning system. So as a new study, I guess somebody publishes and we'reinvolved in research too. We're doing two clinical trials and threeobservational studies under institutional review boards. So as studies become.Uh, published and peer reviewed our AI brings it in.
So you always have lifetime updates as new research getsdone. So hopefully that is .
Boomer Anderson: [00:28:27]Very cool. Very cool. And, um, look, thank you for sharing that because I knowthe audience cares a lot about just how good the data sources and so let's, um,Let's if it's okay with you on a dive into this a little bit, let's do it.
All right. So for those listening in may want to check outthe YouTube right now, because we're going to dive a little bit into mygenetics and what we can learn about my endocannabinoid system, not directlyrelated to cannabis, but a fungus that we've had a. Multi thousand yearrelationship with his mushrooms.
And who do I go to for my mushrooms? We're not talking aboutpsychedelic mushrooms today. We're going to talk about lean medicinalmushrooms. And what do I mean by that? Lion's mane, Turkey tail. She talkie mytalkie reishi and so many others. I get mine from Kappa health and you shouldget yours from there to head on over to Kappa
That's K a a PA and use the code boomer becauseyou're going to get 10% off your purchase. And these mushrooms are fresh fromthe Finnish nature. And if you know anything about Finland, you know that it isa lot of forests. Head on over to Kappa Use the code boomer, andyou're going to get your discount today.
Len May: [00:29:52]So this is, this is gonna be like reading tea leaves.
Boomer Anderson: [00:29:57]All right. So you're going to know more about me than most people in the worldafter this Len. So let's, uh, let's take, you know, I'll follow your lead here.Well, now, now
Len May: [00:30:07]the whole world's gonna know about you. That's
Boomer Anderson: [00:30:10]I am a human Guinea pig, and I am willing to open my kimono to all seven plusbillion people in this, this planet.
Len May: [00:30:18]So, yeah. I just wanna, I just wanna kind of describe what we're looking at atwo a little bit. So this is you, you went off the home page to the report overhere and the people report overview is, is a quick summary. And what that doesis color coded. So what green means next to these is music. There's no variantdetected.
So there's no genetic risk when yellow means that there is avariant detected. So under a category, there's a signal variant that's detectorhas an increased risk, uh, of that, uh, you know, uh, symptomatic conditionbeing expressed. And then you have, Oh, a genetic predisposition. And then thered means, do you have multiple variants detected in a certain category?
And it gives you an exponentially higher risk of that Pollypolymorphism of being expressed. So we have categories and underneath thecategory, uh, there are sub categories and there's reports for each one ofthem. So we're, we're looking at is the anxiety report. So you have. Three,just to start dive right in there.
Boomer Anderson: [00:31:18]we might as well, I'm pretty open book on my history of anxiety so we can,okay,
Len May: [00:31:22]well, I don't know. We don't know each other. Yeah, exactly. We're going
Boomer Anderson: [00:31:25]to know each other after this.
Len May: [00:31:27]Yeah. Now, now I know you
Boomer Anderson: [00:31:30]look at history of anxiety, perfectionism, all of that stuff. So. When I openedthis up, I was fairly, I was very interested in, not surprised at that firstone.
Len May: [00:31:41]Well, this is, this is a really interesting one. And I'll tell you, this is,this is a basis of why people have adverse experiences with cannabis andanxiety is a big one. And so you have three variants in each one of you have avariant in each one of the three reports, fear extinction, a post-traumaticstress disorder, or a form of that and stress reactivity.
So. Why don't you click on stress-free activity?
Boomer Anderson: [00:32:06]Uh, I'm glad you picked that one, because that was the one I wanted to clickon. All right, let's go for that. Uh, here we go.
Len May: [00:32:14]Yeah. And I'll explain, and I'll explain that, um, the stress activity part ofit. So what happens is when, when you have an a, you'll go into the reports,I'll read it.
Basically it says, uh, It gives you an overview of what thereport, um, uh, what the symptomatic condition is, and that gives you a summaryof findings. So overall, your endocannabinoid system genotype is associatedwith a high risk of stressful activity. This can raise your risk of developingan anxiety disorder, monitor for symptoms of high anxiety, practice, stressreduction techniques, and seek professional help.
If you feel anxiety impacting your life. So this is a reallyinteresting, uh, gene. So. It it'll give you the suggestion, but scroll down alittle bit. Uh, and so we can get into the science and I would talk
Boomer Anderson: [00:33:00]about FAAH let's, let's get into this cause I want to
Len May: [00:33:03]talk about fat. Yeah. So, uh, the fatty acid hydrolase.
So what FOD does, it's really, really interesting. Um, it'san interesting producing interesting enzyme. So remember we talked about anantisemite. So in animates released out of your amygdala, part of your brainfor the most part far produces an enzyme that degregates or breaks down ananimate. So for your audience, think about it this way.
And I don't want to get way too science-y but I using theanalogy of like Pac-Man Pac-Man would eat up an end to might fall. Is thatPac-Man the more fire you have less an anda might you have. So this is whathappens in stress. And you know, this, uh, really well, who your audience knowsyou have a stressful, then somebody cuts you off in traffic or whatever it is.
All these chemicals are pumping through your bloodstream.You know, your adrenaline, you have your dopamine and your platform. You haveyour cortisol that's pumped through. And then all of a sudden you realize thereis no lion chasing in the jungle. It's safe to your body has to get back tonormal. One of the things that it does, it releases an antisemite.
So an animate then will help to get your body back tohomeostasis. But if you produce too much far, because you geneticallypredisposed to that, you produce less than animals. So that's stress reactivityseems to linger much longer, last much longer, the activator much faster. Andthe cortisol. Kind of stays in your bloodstream and after a while, uh, itraises your pH level, which should makes you more acidic your immune system.
Then once you attack that, uh, have an overactive immuneresponse and what happens, a lot of people say, you know, my, my joints hurt myankles hurt this and that. While you're walking around with a cortisol, you'reacidic. Yeah. Your pH level is too high. So w. Knowing this in advance, we knowthat phytocannabinoids like THC can actually subsidize your anatomy as welearn.
Here's the trick. If you take too much THC, and this is whatwe're talking about, going full circle back to these rituals and theseceremonies. Uh, I was, I was going to show with a guide just to give anexample. And he's like, yeah, man, we, I equate a joint to a beer. And the guysis older. That may have been in the seventies when, when you're consumingcannabis that like 7% THC, not any more we bred into having high THC when ithappens to people with this genotype, is that.
Too much THC can actually trigger that stress of activitycan create that anxiety in you. So understanding that a little bit is a subsidythat you need and different terpene profiles. So things like limiting, um,pinene that helped boost serotonin levels. And it can create that anxiety andstress as well, but things like lavender, uh, uh, Lindell that comes fromlavender, uh, you have that smell that can actually lower the, uh, the stress.
And I'll go into that in a second, but anyway, so far, soscroll down a little bit in your report and let's see what your genotype is onthat. Uh, so. It says a boomer. You may experience more anxiety when stress.And so we're looking at FYS, the gene we're looking at there's an RSID, whichshows you the location, where it is a chromosome, and it gives you a genotype.
And so genotype for, for those who may not know your, yourgenes, uh, Um, I have like a computer speaking of binary code ones and zeros,your speak in nuclear tides, nucleotides get TNA and a G the combination ofthose letters are your genotype. Uh, when you have to have the same lettersthat you inherited from your parents, it's called homozygous two differentones.
It's called a heterozygous sort of one-on-one, uh, for thoseto know, so you have a homozygous. A lethal combination is called in thatpolymorphism, which actually, uh, heightens your anxiety levels when stress andcannabis can be, can activate that, or it can help to alleviate that. Sodepending on how much you take.
The other thing on the report that I want to point out isthere is a reference link to each one of those reports that takes you to, uh,an NCBI database. So you can see what studies associated with that. The otherthing is how do you compare to other populations? So if you want to click onthat, uh, for a second, that.
Yeah. So what this does, it shows you different populationgroups, uh, based on your genetic heritage. It may be much more prevalent in apopulation that is of European descent that is, uh, than in Asian descent, etcetera. So your understanding your. Your heritage, uh, is also important toknow how, how rare is this genotype?
Because in East Asian population, it's very, very prevalent.You have over 60% of population that has this gyms have close to 70% that arewalking around with that stress activity gene. So understanding that is reallyimportant also.
Boomer Anderson: [00:38:07]so we can establish, uh, just by knowing for FAAH that, uh, our genotypes, wecan almost kind of establish what could potentially be a dose dependent curvefor us, right.
Like where I could over trip and, uh, trigger anxiety in away for
Len May: [00:38:23]teaching. Yeah, so it's it's dose and it's also the cannabinoid, theformulation that cannabinoid and terpene profile, which I'll get to in a, inone minute as we scroll down, I just wanted to show, you can close out of that.I just wanted to show the, uh, uh, at the bottom of this.
So it says you may have experienced more anxiety whenstress, et cetera. Uh, that's your, that's your genotype and you scroll on thebottom. It has an FAQ. So on the, on the FAQ, if people want to learn a littlebit more, uh, how is the endocannabinoid system involved in stress you can get,it gives you one, uh, really quick, uh, definition that where you can click onand get a lot more, uh, basically what I just talked about in terms ofmetabolizing it and, uh, uh, an ad that might be in the, uh, degradated by, byfault.
Boomer Anderson: [00:39:14]Fascinating. Fascinating. Uh, lunch. Should I go back and we can go down,scroll up,
Len May: [00:39:20]scroll up. What'd you scroll up. I just want to just explain a new, you can goup. Uh, I just want to explain the, the solution part of it because we foundit.
Boomer Anderson: [00:39:26]Yeah, I think that's definitely worthwhile because, uh, you know, this actuallycoincides very well with some of the, I guess you can say ratios that I'veplayed with that work really well for me.
So, uh, I would love to just hear how you guys came up
Len May: [00:39:40]with this. What it says is E 20 to one, four to one, we have a survey thatwasn't taking the survey allows us to know what your, uh, experience with THCis. So we can get a personalized wellness pants a little bit more your, to you,uh, which you'll see.
But what we're talking about is, uh, starting from a 20 toone to four to one, but. You're probably good with more of a balanced ratio.Uh, and the reason why is, and also your primary and secondary terpene profile,which is really important. So if you click on the word response or it talksabout the ingredients, I just want to show you your audience, how to bestutilize the report.
Uh, we, we already learned, learn about cannabinoids, but ifyou click on the so little. Uh, may lessen the anxiety. That's provoked by THCand say your eyes can see others also, uh, studies associated with that. Sowhat little does, if you're consuming Lyman, IIN as a primary terpene andactually boost your serotonin and can create more anxiety, it's better forpeople have a sort of depressive feeling.
So if I'm, if I'm connecting it to strains, Uh, think of itas more of a, an indicat dominant versus a sativa dominant, even though therewas no really such thing anymore as it indicas and sativas, because we bred allthat stuff out. But the original indicator type of, uh, of cultivars, they camefrom Southeast Asia.
And the reason why they were even called Endeca is becausethe plant itself. Produced a defense mechanism. It was under stress. So youhave, uh, four seasons, uh, you know, snow and harsh environment. And, uh, youhave predators are attacking this plant. So the plant itself under stressproduced a terpene profile that, that had an odor of skunky.
These leak kind of smell. So, if you isolate that that'sassociated with myrcene, which is associated with a high Endeca dominant strainand the S the sativas, uh, they, uh, originated in more of a Caribbeanclimates, uh, in an Africans like South Africa, warmer climates that didn'thave that kind of stress.
They look differently, stretch the sun, and they have adifferent smiles. If you smell them, like your nose really knows, they smell alittle bit of fruit here. They don't have the musky, a stinky smell, and it hasto do with , which is a primary terpene. And then some of them that grew up,uh, the group in, in, uh, in a Piney region, they, they smell like pine needlesa little bit.
So your, your nose really knows. And when you're consumingsomething that's very high sativa dominant, that can be that trigger for you tohave that stress reactivity. So I just wanna preface that. So, uh, Linell isalso found on lavender. Okay. And then so common terpene and beta , which isyour secondary, uh, terpene profile that helps to reduce inflammation.
That's probably associated with it. It's that whole, uh,cortisol release. And that's found in black pepper and clove as well, but invery high amounts in the, in cannabis as well. Wow,
Boomer Anderson: [00:42:40]uh, lenses, uh, absolutely fascinating. Uh, just, is this an appropriate timeto introduce the idea of the entourage effect? Uh, which I think you're kind ofexplaining here.
Um, but just for the people that are, are listening, uh,just defining the entourage effects for them.
Len May: [00:42:55]Yeah, the, the great Dr. Ethan Russo, uh, who's actually our, uh, chairs, ourscience board. Uh, he refers to. This, this amazing plan working in concert. SoI kind of alluded to it a little bit before there's somewhere around 500different chemicals are found this plant.
We don't know what they all are. You can actually see themwhen you're doing a tag. You can see that there's certain chemicals that appear.We haven't identified all of them yet, but they're there. So the idea is thisplant we're isolating single molecules like you are, or I don't remember whobrought up, uh, dialects, uh, first, but.
They're isolating a molecule. So We're looking at one singlemolecule and they're putting some additives in there. And a molecule isspecific to, disease data, which is epilepsy or turret syndrome, but you'relooking at all these different molecules. And the entourage effect is themworking in concert together to produce an effect.
So you you have cannabinoids. we should the primary geneticsof this plant. And then you have the terpenes these the essential oils of theplant. And they work together to create a, an experience. And that plant has500 different chemicals. You have. Millions of different genes in order to takethis complex plant and combine it with the complexity that you have.
That's really the key to getting what is more dialed intoyou, including dosing, including all those things. So having all these thingswork together, that the entourage effect is the cannabinoids, the flavonoids,the turpines, all those things for a certain, Profile the plant workingtogether in concert for a certain experience for an individual.
Boomer Anderson: [00:44:42]Thank you for, for a while. Can do that, uh, Len, I want to be cognizant ofyour time here. So if it's okay with you, we'll go back to the report and Iwant to take people through just the different line items that we cover. Andthen I want to do a little bit of a deeper dive into just one of those, uh, ifit's
Len May: [00:44:56]okay.
Boomer Anderson: [00:45:00]All right. So, uh, Len, if you don't mind, I can scroll down and you can justwalk people through.
Len May: [00:45:05]Yeah. So the, the reports are, you know, anxiety, which you have a variancedetected there. They have cognitive cognitive function behavior, uh, which hasADHD, impulsivity. You don't have any variance there. Uh, some digestivereports.
And I just want to let your audience know that. It's, it'snot just about cannabis, it's the whole endocannabinoid system. So every, allthese different things, how you consume, it's not just one thing. It's when youput in your body where you put putting your mind, uh, all these different thingseffect your overall health and wellness, and the report looks at a lot of thosethings for sure.
So, uh, drug dependence, uh, uh, you have multiple variantson, uh, opiate dependence. This is
Boomer Anderson: [00:45:48]we'll come back to that one. Okay. Let's go. I just want to make sure we coverthe rest of the report. Yeah.
Len May: [00:45:54]And just mentioned drug metabolism really quickly, because this is aboutdosing. And so there is these series of genes called cytochrome P four 50, uh,which produce enzymes as you probably are aware that help you metabolizedifferent things.
There are certain ones. For CBD and THC. And this is reallyimportant for when people consume different types of, uh, cannabis, especiallythey take an edible because some people have. A really, really bad experiencewith edible it. Firstly, your liver converts THC to a substance called LevinOxy hydroxide 1108.
We'll just leave it at that. And it's can be five to 50times more powerful depending on who you are for certain people. So I've gotcalls over the last, like three, four years people I'm going to the hospital.I'm freaking out I'm I'm and on cannabis. And what did you consume or consumeat, uh, some people who are poor metabolizers, they can have a very, very intenseexperience with an animal.
So that's one.
Boomer Anderson: [00:46:51]So this is one of the most fascinating parts of the report to me because theTHC has that as you alluded to that, a very different effect on certain people,but it can also last up to, I think, 72 hours in terms of how long it takes tometabolize and people are, do I have that right? Or you're going to just
Len May: [00:47:07]correct?
Boomer Anderson: [00:47:07]Yeah. Correct. Uh, okay, so going down here, we talked a little bit aboutfitness, um, and then host susceptibility reports. We get, we got to talk alittle bit about this too. Yeah.
Len May: [00:47:17]This immune susceptibility. So we were trying to tell people during the time ofthe we're all in right now is to be aware that some people have somepredispositions to.
Uh, severity of influenza allergic reunites, which wasreally allergies, et cetera, influenza. So just be aware that there is anassociation with that and the, uh, and you know, Corona viruses like, likeinfluenza. So just be aware that you have to work in your immune system a littlebit more. No metabolism reports, uh, just regular metabolism, body, fatmetabolism, obesity, weight management, um, mood.
That's a, that's an interesting one. You have, uh, uh,several various acted in a major depressive feelings.
Boomer Anderson: [00:48:01]That's interesting. Cause I don't have a, I have a history with the other endof that spectrum, which is anxiety, not necessarily a depression, seasonal moodproblems. Maybe this is another support data point to support.
That moved to California. At some
Len May: [00:48:14]point, I'm telling you, man, I have just in full disclosure, I have a verysimilar profile on the, on the moon. I never knew that about myself either. I'mlike, I'm pretty happy guy, but I hated the winter time in Philly. It was justthe worst. And I'm just like, I have a smile on my face when I'm walking aroundin a t-shirt in January, in LA.
Boomer Anderson: [00:48:34]it's similar thing. I lived in Singapore for six years, which there's thevariants and temperatures like five degrees Fahrenheit, uh, the entire year andmoving to Amsterdam that first year, I was like, why do I feel so just awfulright in the winter. But it apparently it's explained in my genetics here.
Len May: [00:48:53]Well, I think you brought up a really good point about. Genetic predispositionsand expression of those genes, which is you can have a gene that's fullydormant and it just sits there and nothing. I'm like, I'm good. All of a suddenthat switch, you did something. And that switch turned on and now that it's onnow, what you want to do is turn it off.
And that's a, and this is where knowledge becomes power.You're really empowering an individual to have a very intelligent conversationwith a healthcare professional or themselves. So they can be empowered to takebetter a course of action. To help themselves. And I think during this wholeage of COVID and telemedicine and understanding that we can get better controlover our own health and wellness.
I think that the reports like this are getting as muchknowledge about yourself is, is really, really
Boomer Anderson: [00:49:41]incredibly well said. And, uh, again, taking, I kind of find, uh, Certainpublications not to be named, to be nauseous in terms of the idea thateverything can work for 7 billion people, but it's data and information likethis that takes it from 7 billion and makes it that end of one.
And so you can actually have a unique performance experiencethat you need. Uh, so I guess the last one lens that I want to touch on is thatopioid dependence, uh, because that was one that came back in, you know, I'vehad one doctor that prescribed me Oxycontin when I was younger for aconcussion. And I was thankfully only on it for a day, but, you know, lookingat this it's, you know, obviously it doesn't sound like there's certain drugsout there that should be touching, uh, And, and, and just, if you don't mind,I'd love you to just take us through this.
Len May: [00:50:33]if you can. Yeah. So what, what this report says, you may have multipleendocannabinoid system gene types associated with increased risk of opioiddependence. Um, regardless of a genotype that opiates are highly addictive, etcetera, seek professional help. So I had a very similar story to you. I had mywisdom teeth out, I don't know, 15 years ago.
And it's coming out. I was walking on the doctors, I guess,something, something dry socket. I didn't even hear it because I was sort ofstill under the influence and I, and I got a home and all of a sudden. Istarted getting this pain. I've never felt like this in my life. Uh, my wife atthat time called the doctor and said, Oh, uh, he's got a dry socket, whichmeans that the, your nerve is exposed to the air.
I mean, the pain was just unbearable. Wow. And he prescribedOxycontin and I took one and it knocked me out. I've never, I've had myexperience with substances. Uh, when I was younger, I've never felt anythinglike this. I knew instinctually. Just sort of get away from this stuff. Sothey're very similar to what you were saying.
Well, what doctors do now using our test, they're looking atopiod predisposition for people and saying you have a predisposition, opiatedependence, maybe try cannabis instead. So doctors are starting to open uptheir minds because there's science behind it and what they. Um, a lot ofdoctors don't want to have their patients say, you know, dependent on opioids,but there was no other alternative alternative because it, you know, pharma's,that's what you have.
So this allows people to see that, you know, there's four ofus together. Three of us consume an opiod and nothing, and one of us can be inthe, uh, immediately get dependent on that opiate. And that's the thing that wewant to avoid. So we can, you know, get rid of this, uh, opiod epidemic is
Boomer Anderson: [00:52:14]epidemic that we're in.
It's crazy. Um, just wanna touch on a little bit on the genehere. And then I have one more question before you, before I let you go.
Len May: [00:52:23]Yeah, no CCNR one. So absolutely that's the, the gene we're looking at andthat, that gene is also associated with a lot of different markers, uh, in, in,um, in using cannabinoids, uh, some of those stress markers as well.
And if you want to scroll down a little bit and we'll getinto the report itself from that gene. So you're looking at. Uh, CNR one, uh,homozygous genotype, CC, and that's what sends boomer. You may have a slightlygreater risk of opiod dependence, uh, than the average population. And thereare studies associated with that.
So that that's really, really, I, I I'm, like I said, I'mthe same way, and this is something that I already instinctually felt, butpeople really need to know that. You know, some people are predisposed toopiate dependence. Some people are predisposed to like a stimulant dependence.And when people say, you know, I've taken the opiod, so for pain and spine,I'm, I'm, I'm done with it.
You may not have the genetic predisposition, but somebodynext to you that consumes exactly the same thing will, uh, can trigger, maytrigger that genetic predisposition. And that's the case. Now it becomes like,you know, not, not to kind of be a bummer on this, but I, in Philly over thelast 10 years, I lost 10, 10 friends I grew up with and all of them passed fromopioids originally.
Some. One of them started with, uh, just pills for pain orwhatever it is. And then it got progressively worse and worse, worse. And thisis something that we absolutely everybody I urge and every single healthcareprofessional, whoever you are, just take a look at somebody's geneticpredispositions to the substance before you prescribe that to them.
I know that we've, we've been in this cycle, but just beaware that some people, you know, everything is personalized. Some people willhave this experience and some people are not. So this is a great way to be ableto guide people, uh, that have this predisposition.
Boomer Anderson: [00:54:24]Len, this has been an absolute pleasure because I know we're running up on timehere, and I'm already going to invite you back for round two, because there'sso many more things that, uh, I want to pick your brain on, particularly withthe history of cannabis and all of your expertise in the industry.
Uh, perhaps let's just close on, uh, just one finalquestion, which is sort of burning in my head. When does legalization happen?And how can people get involved in accelerating that process?
Len May: [00:54:56]Yeah. Um, legalization is an interesting word. Um, you live in Amsterdam, uh,is so legalization is something that people perceive there to be from, youknow, the early nineties it's decriminalized.
It's not legal as we were discussing prior to, uh, uh, tothe recording. What, what the administration in the United States has said thatthey will decriminalize cannabis, the new, uh, president, uh, and hisadministration, what decriminalization means. I'm not exactly sure. What needsto happen is it needs to be de scheduled and possibly rescheduled.
So we only know that it has medicinal substances, uh, and wealready know that people have an individual experience. So I don't believe inrecreational. I've never believed in recreational, I believe in adult use. Sowhen people say I'm in California and it's a wreck state, well, this isn'trecreational, nothing that.
Changes anything within Europe, your body, your brain, it isa drug. It is a substance that has that, but it needs to be controlled. Notsaying that somebody over 21, which is the age in California, can go andpurchase it. But the issue that I want, everybody who address government interms of, uh, legalizing is, is we need to have.
Protocols in place that allow people to know what they'reputting in their bodies. So I believe that, uh, the next couple of years duringthis administration in the U S we will have. A process in place for being ableto test effectively, to be able to have labels. So we know that there's anutraceutical, uh, type of approach to it.
We know exactly what we're putting in our bodies. There'sregulations in place for everything. And it's standardized. That's the firststep to get out of the shadows of this is enlisted substance illicit drug andall that stuff. Now. In parallel, there is going to be this pharmaceuticalapproach. There's been 12 patents awarded last year to different cannabiscompanies, which is more than been in, in decades.
And this is all looking at individual molecules. Like youmentioned, GW pharmaceuticals. So. Hmm, in my opinion, there's going to be adual path. And next few years during this administration, the United States,which will be leading. And I know that, you know, Canada and aura GLI, and nowMexico and all these different countries, uh, Israel, they're leading the wayin terms of, uh, research and in terms of federal programs, but the UnitedStates still has this beacon.
They're still what the world looks to on their drugpolicies. And it happened from probation. So, this is where the next few years,I think there's going to be a change in rescheduling of cannabis, not as aschedule, one substance. Second of all, there's going to be a pharmaceuticalplay. There's going to start focusing on individual molecules.
So we'll have. You know, going into your vitamin shop,probably nutraceutical types and, you know, CBD is a big part of that. Nowwe're seeing it everywhere, but there's going to be other cannabinoids that areadded to that and maybe teach you, see, uh, just isolated, uh, will be more ofa pharmaceutical by some subscription, uh, by prescription only kind of thing.
So that's my opinion.
Boomer Anderson: [00:58:22]Len. I want to leave it there because you hit another area that I can go down awormhole with you on and perhaps on, around two, on the other cannabinoids,because I'm fascinated by things like CBN CBG and some of the other ones, butperhaps that's going to be for another time.
Thank you so much for this and all the work you've done inthe cannabis industry. I'm like, this has been an amazing conversation and Ihope to continue it in the future.
Len May: [00:58:49]Thank you, man. Appreciate it
Boomer Anderson: [00:58:51]to all the superhumans listening out there. You need to check out the YouTubeon this one, but have an absolutely Epic day.
All right. So what did I get out of that podcast aside fromreally learning from basically one of the originals in the cannabis industry. Ienjoyed our deep dive into genetics, of course. And like I've said before, Idon't usually endorse a genetics test because most of them don't really holdyou up to snuffed.
This one was different. We looked at my cannabinoidreceptors, both CB one and CB two and their genetic predispositions. We lookedat things like opioid dependence. And if you were having trouble following thaton the audio version of this podcast, I encourage you to go over to thedecoding superhuman, YouTube channel and watch it there.
If you enjoyed this podcast and want me to have Len back foraround to email me Or even better head on overto Apple podcast, leave a five-star review because every single review helpsand gets the word out on this show. Super humans. I love you all from thebottom of my heart.
And I look forward to next week where we are going to tackleanother aspect of health. Optimization leading to performance optimization,Epic day.
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