
Continuous Improvement, COVID, and Complex Systems with Mohammed Enayat

Boomer Anderson
July 8, 2020
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Dr. Enayat talks about the resurgence of the COVID pandemic and how to systematically prepare for healthy immune response in case of infection. Dr. E, as he's affectionately known, shares his wealth of knowledge inpersonal medicine and indoctrinating new evidence-based approaches.

Who is Dr. Mohammed Enayat?

Dr. Mohammed Enayat is a general practitioner with further training in functional medicine, age medicine management, aesthetic medicine, and medical management.

He is the co-founder of LMS Wellness, the world’s first integrated medicine, and biohacking center applied for human longevity and performance medicine, where the bar for healthcare isn’t merely the absence of disease; instead it’s a nirvana of human performance and endurance on all levels.

Fascinated by applying the scientific advancements in aging, he has created a health system that is approaching the algorithm of aging adopting a data driven approach to engineering health.

Dr. Enayat’s extensive training has taken him from South Africa to San Diego, where his work in the stem cell industry reframed his lens on the innate potential within us to self regenerate. He established his reputation as one of the bright stars of medicine by being awarded the opportunity to partake in the prestigious Darzi Fellowship for Clinical Leadership.

He is a true visionary, ambitious and forward-thinking, who looks to contribute to shaping the future of healthcare, challenging its limitations, whilst presenting its infinite possibilities.


[4:11] Resilience during COVID

[12:07] Preventing the extreme immune response caused by COVID

[18:14] Should you test for COVID antibodies?

[32:30] Evidence-based vs indoctrinated medicine

[39:31] Complex adaptive systems approach to health

[46:40] Compounding the benefits of micronutrients, hyperbaric, ozone, and cryotherapy


Dr. Mo’s COVID-19 Immunity Book

COVID-19 and autoimmune diseases

Comorbidity and its impact on 1590 patients with COVID-19

LMS Wellness education program

Patrick Hanaway Publications

Start with Why by Simon Sinek

Episode Transcript

Boomer Anderson: [00:00:00]Welcome to Decoding Superhuman. This show is a deep dive into obsessions withhealth performance, and how to elevate the human experience. I explore thelatest tools, science and technology with experts in various fields of humanoptimization. This is your host, Boomer Anderson. Enjoy the journey.

Welcome back to another podcast. Superhumans. My guest todayis somebody who I'm happy to call a friend. You know him as dr. E I know him asMo, but dr. Muhammad Enayat is a general practitioner with further training inso many disparate fields, functional medicine, age management, medicine,astatic medicine. Oh yeah.

And medical management. Dr. Mo is the co founder of LMSwellness. The world's first integrative medicine and biohacking center inLondon for human longevity and performance medicine. The bar at LMS is setpretty high. It's not healthcare in terms of the absence of disease, but ratherit's a Nirvana of human performance and endurance on all kinds of levels.

I think we've set the bar pretty high with that introductionthere. So what did we get into today? We talked about COVID specifically whatyou could do as a person sitting there, listening to this podcast to avoid thisresurgence, if you will. That is, seems to be going on around the world. Wethen build out the complex system and you guys know how I love complex adaptivesystems with Mo to talk about things that you can do in your life to justperform better.

Dr. E talk about functional medicine, testing the differentofferings at the bar at LMS wellness and so much more. The show notes for thisone are a decoding superhuman.com/d R E as in dr. Dre. But dr. E our guesttoday 2020 has been an interesting year, right? Not many of us expected to be grounded,not being able to travel all around the world and do public speaking eventslike I do year in and year out.

What 2020 has been in terms of positive side of things is are falling in love with Amsterdam. You guys heard this in the last

podcast episode,

but also delving into the more natural ingredients in theworld. Things like mushrooms. And the medicinal benefits of these mushrooms. Iget to use reishi in the evening to relax chaga, to really just boost myantioxidant capacity.

Mai tacke for immune system function, which has latelybecome very, very important. And of course, cordyceps going into my morningcacao beverage that just lights me up and gets me ready to go. My choice onmushrooms is kaapa health. That's K A A P A. And if you head on over toKaapahealth.com right now, and use the code BOOMER, they have this really coolrandom pack of mushroom tinctures, which I enjoy.

And you'll get to try chaga, cordyceps, my talkie and Rishiall in one. And I think they even threw she talkie in there too. So head onover to Kaapahealth.com and use the code BOOMER for a 10% discount. Let's geton with the conversation with dr. Muhammad Enayat.

Dr. E welcome my friend.

So you and I have met on one chance, occasion at healthoptimization summit. And I know we have just probably. Like this world, uh,kind of our network grows and fractal nature. And so it's nice to be in touchagain in this format and actually click record on some of these conversations.Cause you've been pretty proactive when it comes to what the hell is going onin the world these days.

And so why don't we, why don't we jump right into currentsituations because. Um, you've done a lot of research and been very proactivein terms of providing people information with regards to COVID this pandemicand what you can do. Um, how do you look at just resilience and immunity in asituation like this and what are some basic principles that you recommend forpeople?

Mohammed Enayat: [00:04:42]Yeah. I mean, so I think the starting point is understanding when we talk aboutresilience, we're talking, I'm talking about it from a physiologicalperspective. Obviously you have the emotional resilience, which, which impactsyour physiology. However, there are the faxes that impacts how resilient yourphysiology is.

A one big component of physiological resilience is yourimmune response. Okay. And how healthy that immune response is, it becamereally fascinating. For me, um, and quite emotionally challenging as well. Um,with Kobe coming in from several perspectives, he was here. I am as a doctortrained in the UK system, a GP, um, outside of that has been lucky enough,fortunate enough to create my own mini health system adopting testing the way Iwant to do testing therapies, the way I want to do therapies.

And COVID came along and the medical system came to a bit ofa halt. You know, there there's a, there is a bunch of physician experts,scientists, physicians, and this kind of a system that yeah. Works really wellto some degree with acute conditions and has typically grown throughprotocolized care and now came COVID okay.

Something we haven't dealt with for over a hundred years ofreally kind of problematic. A virus and everything seems to go up in the air.People was, you know, the physicians getting lost when making, in tryingexperimental drugs in thinking I was, you know, and for me just, it was, but itwas emotionally taxing.

But at the same time, I felt like we had so much to share,but just from the learnings that I'd done in applying functional medicine andother types of medicine, And creating this system that I created. So there wastwo things. One was obviously getting back on the front line, helping out asmuch as I can.

A second was disseminating some knowledge that can beapplied without, without being expensive to apply to. No, you don't need to gointo expensive testing. And so just kind of mass for the masses as muchinformation as possible, how to build that resilience. So going off the top andI can, I can talk, so Boomer, a real real way back in at any point.

Um, and, and then the third was how do I engage the medicalcommunity? How am I, how, how can I try to influence them with contacts withthe local hospital trusts speaking to their CEOs? Let me let's help thefrontline workers. There are things. IV infusions. They were talking about thehigh, high dose vitamin C.

They're talking about use of antioxidants. Hyperbaric nowhas been shown. It's just common sense. So to us, it's common sense. You know,you're going to, hyperoxygenate the blood in a condition where you can't getoxygen in through your lungs, into your blood because of the mechanical block,because of the fluid that seeps out from your blood vessels that blocks yourexpansion of your lung tissue.

Then hyperoxygenate and the bubble help ozone therapy. Haveyou heard of those of therapy? You will learn frozen again, another way tohyperoxygenate, but secondly, also a way to kind of reduce down inflammatorycascades. So we started looking straight away is what what's, you know, everyonewas saying to cold leads, unique, you know, it's.

Yeah. So you started looking at basic virology and basicimmunology. What happens as an immune response? What are the stages of immuneresponse by the components of an immune response? Um, and then we started tolook about what look at what's so unique with COVID-19 and then we came downwithout, we understood very quickly that we've COVID-19.

The people that go into develop this ARB as acuterespiratory distress syndrome, which is basically leakiness of your bloodvessels that drives in the fluid seatbelt around your lung tissue and fromwhich they start to get the patchy consolidation or pneumonia around the lungs.And then the prothrombotic state, which comes later, which gives you themultiple plots in DIC.

Um, it's an inflammatory problem, but that inflammationcomes debated and you know, what are we doing the first 10 days to reduce theviral replication, to support the healthy immune response to prevent thatinflammatory cascade? And what is it about certain people that causes them to.

I'm sure over time, we'll find out more about this.

Boomer Anderson: [00:09:04]Yeah. So let's double click on a couple of things there. So in terms of, um,first those certain groups of people that. Kind of Mt. That inflammatoryresponse, what do we know right now? Or what have you seen? Cause you've beenin touch with people on the frontline and the UK has been pretty effected whenit comes to COVID.

And so what are some of the commonalities that we see andthen I'm going to come back to you on the first 10 days thing after that.

Mohammed Enayat: [00:09:37]Um, so broadly speaking. It's stuff that's been published so far has beenaround the kind of, uh, BAME community, uh, um, has been, uh, more effected forvery simple reasons. So that's number one, broad kind of commonality that'sbeen found.

Second commonality that's been found is underlyingconditions where the physiological resilience bulkiness, right. Underlying autoimmune propensity conditions are conditions where people are more likely todevelop an autoimmune reaction. So they have rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatorybowel disease, you know, et cetera, et cetera, those kinds of hyper-immune, uh,patients.

Um, so far, these are some of the early patterns that, that,that are evolving. And obviously, you know, the elderly who have. Underlyingmultiple metabolic, you know, there's the whole metabolic conditions, whichare, you know, the vitamin D deficiencies that's commonly found. I mean, yeah.So there are a few patterns that are evolving my theory and take on this isthat the, we all have the genes and the propensity to drive an inflammatoryresponse.

Those genes can be turned on and turned off by ourenvironment. Right. Um, and my, my suspicion is that the people that Mount amore of an inflammatory response, a hyper inflammatory response are those thathave those genes switched on because of their lifestyle already, right? Thecause of where their health status is at, how they eat, how they move, how theystress.

And it's not something that's static. It's not okay today atmood slept well. And therefore my Jesus, which died off now, it, you know, it'sa creeper yeah. Disease, death, and, you know, aging, the creepers. Right. Andactually for me, they start in, I believe generally, a paternal population.They probably started not twenties.

I completely agree.


Boomer Anderson: [00:11:57]Yeah. It definitely. So the comorbidities and also the fact that to me, anounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure kind of statement that that makesperfect sense, right? Like. If you've been obese your entire life, you canexpect to a certain extent that some of these things may happen to you and you,maybe you are susceptible to them.

Now you mentioned something earlier about the first 10 daysand some of the stuff that we can do there, I would love to hear more aboutsome of the things that. You've been talking to the front line in terms of whatare the, what can we do in the first 10 days to really prevent those extremesituations where people get intubated, for instance, um, and some of thatpneumonia condition.

Mohammed Enayat: [00:12:48]So the strategy you should be, I mean, so we do know a couple of that, anotherthing, which is. The amount of virus you're exposed to will dictate the, um,the impact it's gonna have on you. So viral load, you know, higher viral loadwill have. Higher mortality morbidity with that condition. Um, why is that verysimply because when a virus enters your body, it invades one of your cells andit's that uses the engineering within each cell to start replicating.

Then there's a race that starts a race between your immunesystem, your white cells, to keep up with that virus list replicating andtrying to keep up with that and kill those. Cells that are replicating, butit's always a lag. There's always a lag. Right. And so the bigger, the lag onesays two to four to eight to 16.

So if you're exposed to tend to begin with 10 to 22 to 48,et cetera. Yeah, exactly. So we know that there are certain things that we cando to, um, support, um, the white cells, the white cells to reduce byreplication. That's why. There's advocation of antiretrovirals very early onhydroxychloroquine with zinc.

There's been talk about it, you know, fascinating to talkabout. And the doses that have been applied to hydroxychloroquine of course aregoing to cause side effects. People are giving 10 times the standard, those of,you know, hydroxychloroquine people. It's going to cause side effects with it.If you give the kind of normal prophylactic, you know, the normal dose and youstart it earlier, that's the cute started like early symptoms started a testearly, um, and, and et cetera.

And so, yeah, hydrocyclone McQueen with, uh, you know, withzinc high dose vitamin C. Again, you know, it's, it's been, it's used by your.Um, immune cells as part of their first line defense is stored in the organs ofyour immune system. Um, it's, it's an antioxidant itself and therefore reducesthe stress, one of the mechanisms.

Um, and then there are, um, there are obviously other kindsof adjunctive things, um, that you can take. And this kind of herbals, like oilof oregano oil has been shown to antiinflammatory properties, the things thatyou want to keep your inflammation propensity down. Great, uh, black cumin seedoil. So these are kinds of supplements or herbals you could be taking.

There's also kind of mushrooms with this medicinal mushroomsthat you can take. And so there are natural naturopathic ways to do this, tosupport your systems beginning alongside some of the kinds of. Um, we sayexperimental drugs and now, you know, uh, dexamethasone or steroids have beenshown to be helpful.

Why is that we know steroids reduce down inflammation orhyper immunity. Um, and so they, yeah, so that's why TechSmith, certainsteroids have been shown to be helpful. Um, so those are things and then thingsyou can do, certain things you can take in. Then there's obviously things thatyou can try and do yourself.

And the things that you can do yourself for me are bore inpreparation of if you get exposed to it. Yeah, starting to eat clean, fix yourGut, healthy microbiome, Derby, driving inflammation through your gut, fixedgut dysbiosis or leaky gut. Now I'm saying stuff, women. I'm sure your listenerswould have heard though.

So if you want me to explain it, just tell me anytime, ofcourse. And because I've heard it on your show before, so, you know, Thingsthat leaky gut, which drives inflammation and inflammatory response and supportis, are created by your immune system itself. Foods that escaped through thejunctions of your gut lining.

That's a big source of inflammation. There are things youcan do to prepare yourself, reducing down the physiological stress response tomy controlling or exposure to biological stressors or perceived stresses by ourbiology, because we know. The stress response is related to depleting ourimmunity. And if we think very simply, uh, you know, of the sympathetic andparasympathetic nervous system, as we all know very well, it's reallyimportant.

That's kind of our realtime physiology. Sympathetic nervoussystem will keep you alive. Now our sympathetic nervous system will keep youalive later for the longer run, right? And your immunity comes in in line forthe long runs it's activated with your parasympathetic is. That's when you're,that's when you're really your immune system is really working.

Um, and then in the parasympathetic is right now, you know,it's, the adrenaline has been. So if we think very simply along those lines,there's a couple of things. You can be doing nutrition, how you controlstresses and everything from blue light blockers to helping your circadianrhythm, you know, Come back alone with its natural cortisol production through,through exposure to daylight, first thing in the morning, and reducing exposureto synthetic like lights in the evenings as much as possible.

Um, and being, yeah, just, just understanding that ourimmunity is not just, it's not just the passenger within us. We can actuallykind of upregulate it. We can help

Boomer Anderson: [00:18:02]it. Yeah. Very very important before we go. Cause there's something that youjust touched on there that I, I love. And we're going to go into that probablyfor the remainder of the show.

But before we go into that, in terms of testing for COVID,is there anything that you've seen that you're like, okay, this is good idea.Like, should people be getting antibody testing, do antibodies, do we even knowthat they work? Uh, what do you think about that stuff right now?

Mohammed Enayat: [00:18:31]Um, so in terms of, so I looked at, you know, we looked at Kobe testing becausewe obviously had a few patients that were on it to get testing done.

They have such a dynamic crazy and interesting time now. Andit's just been, it's just been like this, you know, there's been, there's beena black market. That's risen from testing, not just testing a global blackmarket. I mean, you probably have people, you know, Gloves alcohol gel, likeeveryday it's just masks.

Boomer Anderson: [00:18:58]Why not?

Mohammed Enayat: [00:19:00]Yeah, like it's, it's been, it's been a wild, wild, wild West in many ways. Ourtesting felt fell into that as well. Um, To some degree and some, and so thebig thing about testing is the ability to contextualize the test for thepatient, right? In terms of their history, in terms of the examination and interms of the test itself, specificity sensitivity, um, there, you know, thereare tests that you use to see if you've had it.

And those tests, antibody tests, but some tests are moresensitive and specific to know if you've had it within a certain time range orsome are better if you've had it more than 14 days or 28 days prior. Right thenthe question with, then the question comes in. We don't know how long you'll becirculating antibodies for in particular, with regards to cognitive, you don'thave the longevity data.

So how long will that test be picking up your antibodies?How sensitive is it? Cause I played to athletes and then, yeah, so there's IgGand IgM. And so there's this one since then you've got the kind of DNA basedtest of to see if you've actually got a viral DNA. In your blood circulating atthe moment and that's, you know, they're there and they're very good there interms of the antibody test, the finger prick tests, or some of it are quitegood.

They're good. But the gold standard right now is a serumtest. So take taking a bit of blood, send it to a lab. It takes two, threedays, and it still looks for antibodies. That's the gold standard at themoment. And that's being used in the UK. And then you've got the DNA obviouslycan be taken from the swab.

That's what it is, swimming a lot. Um, so PCR, um, and thenaround that, you know, so that's just looking at, is the virus within you, orhave you had that virus around that you can look at how much it's impacted yourimmune system. There are other markers you could be looking at your white cellsare breaking down your white cells, lymphocytes, et cetera, et cetera.

You could be looking at your liver function. We know the Htwo receptors, which COVID impacts, which are in the lungs are also representedin the liver. And, you know, to some patients you want to be looking at theirliver functions as well. You want to be looking at their, how it's impactedtheir metabolism, their glycemic control this time.

And obviously kind of. Um, inflammatory markers, low gradeof laundry markers, high sensitive CRP. So there are all kinds of other generictests that you can be looking at to complete your picture. And I think it'simportant to do actually, if someone's genuinely concerned and if they've gotsome symptoms.

Boomer Anderson: [00:21:41]So this idea of testing and one of the reasons I actually didn't intend forthis to be a very large COVID discussion, but since you're on the front line, Ihad to ask a few questions. What I wanted to get into with you is, um, the ideaof kind of assessing the, the game field, the, um, The opportunities forsomebody to build resilience, to improve immunity and all of these things.

And in terms of how you look at it with your patients. CauseI know you have a very data-driven focus at LMS and you personally have abackground in functional medicine. And so, you know, what are the, how do you layout that game plan for people in terms of testing? What are you looking at?

Mohammed Enayat: [00:22:30]The laying field?

Boomer Anderson: [00:22:34]Let's let's um, if you were to determine the playing field for people, becauseeverybody's an individual and we know this, right. Um, but there may be somebasic principles that if somebody wanted to go out there and get their hands onor start to really build their own battle plan, how do you do this with yourclients?

Because there's thousands of tests out there. Not everybodyhas the thousands and thousands of euros. Right? Where do you go?

Mohammed Enayat: [00:23:01]Yes. It's a really, really good question. And I think it's one that's been,I've been working on for several years. How do we standardize personalizedmedicine? Right. And this is an extension of your question and how do we makesure, I mean, the good thing about being trained within traditional medicine isthat you really quickly understand that when you're seeing sick people that,okay, what test is actionable?

I'm only going to test for things that I'm going to dosomething about if I'm not going to test it. And, and, um, uh, yeah, we don'twant to test just to gather information because what that can end up doing isleading you down rabbit holes. Number one, as a practitioner, um, and numbertwo can start to create paranoia patients because we need to understand therelativity.

Or each of those mechanisms that you're testing for in thatperson at that given time.

Boomer Anderson: [00:24:02]Okay. You've just expanded this until I got, this becomes a multifactorialproblem very quickly. Right. And so

Mohammed Enayat: [00:24:10]how do you look at that? Yeah, so, I mean, so for me, as I was going, this isthe mindset that I went through in for the last five, six years, trying to.

Apply it, our approach to testing that understand that, youknow, starts with, okay, how do we. What are the, what's the relativity of theperson, what's the relativity of DNA mutation. What's the relativity of oxidativestress. What sort of activity of hormones, of micronutrients, so digestion, etcetera, et cetera.

And we've come up. We think that the most important

Boomer Anderson: [00:24:43]treatment, they just define real quick relativity. And how you, what you meanin terms of

Mohammed Enayat: [00:24:49]what I mean by relativity is, is in awe. Processes and systems going on withinour body at any given time, how much of, how much of that is going on thatproduces health for disease at any given time?

I, how much of it, if I, if I manipulate it, how much ofit's going to move the needle? Okay. Yeah. So if you think of testing as apyramid yeah. Foundational testing, and now, you know, your foundationaltesting is let's start with that. For us foundation testing is guts is veryimportant. So we, we think they've got got, has, uh, you know, we are going todo the gut testing.

I'll go into that in a second. Hormones, hormones are ourthermostats within our body. So they, they essentially control our mood and ourenergy or the, be the sleep. And we, when you look at hormones, you want tolook at them as how they are. They're a symphony. Okay. And the controlled bythe hypothalamus or the pituitary within our brain and there's negative andpositive feedback cycles and biologically the adrenal glands and the thyroidBlackhawks, the same tissue they separates.

There's more communication that we understand. And asphysicians, we all understand this because we're taught in this scientific corescience way. This isn't new to us. We're taught in this course science way inyear one, year, two year three medical school, but we don't apply it. When weapply medicine, we apply it.

Okay. You go to diabetologists for blood sugar issues. Yougo to a thyroid specialist, you go to a female doctor for your female woman. Sowe started to compartmentalize these things. So hormones are really important,right? So access that is pituitary, adrenal, thyroid. Male male or femalehormones that as an access.

So we look at that that's number two. So, so far we talkedabout gut digestion, micronutrients inflammation coming through the gut tohormones. Yup. The whole homo Alexis. Um, we mentioned, I mentionedmicronutrients, so things that are going to be involved in your energyproduction pathways, particularly like that's where methylation might come in.

Um, your

um, Your in your vitamin D, which that should be classifiedas more as a steroid hormone

Boomer Anderson: [00:27:14]goes to one 25, it functions like a form hormone, right? Absolutely.

Mohammed Enayat: [00:27:18]Absolutely. Right. Absolutely. And it's amazing, like, you know, when you, whenI was like 2000, so back in the early two thousands, vitamin D was never talkedto about 2008.

I just remember the seven thousand seven thousand eight. Westarted. Realizing that everyone was deficient offered to me. Like literally,like you would test. And then it was not gone to the point where there's not nopoint in spending any money on a test because you knew everyone was deficient whenyou tested.

And we would impart Enrique will be testing everyone withvitamin D status. And you're like, we know that everyone, everyone, literally,everyone was

Boomer Anderson: [00:27:53]different. Just give us,

Mohammed Enayat: [00:27:57]just give it to people. Okay. And, and so, uh, so there's those, those for me,uh, the, and then obviously you want to be looking for, um, just your general.

We put routine tests in there. So your kidney function, yourliver function, your complete blood count with differential. So you can seewhat's happening with the white side, just as more kind of like traditionalmedical screening tests, um, that go alongside that. Lipidology is veryimportant metabolism again, where, you know the link between for us lipidology.

We want to be breaking that, not just screening lipids. I'dalso consider a friend yesterday. Um, who's a physician as well, and her momhad a bit of chest pain and we were talking about, we ended up talking aboutcardiology and the approach and how as an organ is so important. But still, wehaven't nailed preventative cardiology very well to keep that part's attacks.

And this is one of the most favorable conditions. Right. Andwe just haven't nailed preventative cardiology. That's all very well. And so wewere talking about that. And so lik etology comes into that because we'rescreening HDL, LVL, very basic. We don't go into the lipoproteins. We don't gointo the small bets that we do.

We think it's very important. You are,

Boomer Anderson: [00:29:21]you are looking at particle fractionation, right?

Mohammed Enayat: [00:29:25]So we look at possible fractionation. We look at your April protein EG in acouple of genes. The other thing that we look at is metal metabolism. We nowknow back in the day when we were growing up, we were kids. You know, it was,and the young adults, it was like, you know, low fat diets.

Yeah, that was the thing.

Boomer Anderson: [00:29:44]And so keys, right?

Mohammed Enayat: [00:29:46]Free fat, free fat.

Boomer Anderson: [00:29:49]You go to a Dutch grocery store and there's still fat free everything. Yeah.You can find it. Yeah.

Mohammed Enayat: [00:29:55]Yeah. But this awakening wasn't there. People now are way more work to the factthat, you know, that is just ridiculous, you know, and the whole like fortifiedcereals, you know, he's the big Frosty's was good to you.

Boomer Anderson: [00:30:09]Yeah, breakfast of champions, right? We, these to me for this, but

Mohammed Enayat: [00:30:19]now we realize that your sugar is the big problem, you know? And so metabolismis super key. Like how under relinquished your metabolism, the pathology, um,is key. And then the link between sugar cortisol and now tying in the sugar tothe other hormones. So, um, those are the foundational ideal foundationaltests.

If someone was looking to, if, for us to understand where wecan move the needle so that they feel better and ultimately. Um, ultimately youwill drive people to live longer, but you know, that's not what it's all aboutfor us. It's about right here right now. We want you to feel like you did fiveyears ago, energy production, mood, resilience, digestion, taking the nutrientsout of your food as you need to do it stronger immunity.

Because as we age, there's a Creek is a creeper. It creeps.So we, you know, this is the problem. The mindset problem we're in as a societyis that we've always been entrenched to believe that we're healthy until we'resick, right. And that, you know, where we kind of, especially in the UK. Andthat's why one of the we're seeing such bad results in the UK is that webasically give our health to the medical ecosystem is a unicorn through ourhealth.

We'll come to you when, you know, when we're sick. Right.Um, and, and, uh, but now we, we, we, we know we've always known actually, butyou know, it's becoming more and more clear that we can control our biologyfrom the realtime physiology perspective, which will impact the long termhealth.

Boomer Anderson: [00:32:03]So one of the things that you just talked about there in terms of outsourcinghealth to the government, if you will, which is a big discussion, frankly,everywhere in the world, right?

Like we don't go to the doctor until we get sick. And thedoctor is really there just to help us. Cure symptoms rather than get ushealthy. Um, what do you think the tipping point in that discussion is going tobe? And this is just something that I'm grabbing out of the air, because I'mvery curious what you think because you know, Malcolm Gladwell, tipping point,and there needs to be more of a discussion and more of action around empoweredresponsibility.

What do you think that is? I have my own hypothesis, but Iwould love to hear yours. Here we go, here we go. Here we go. When it comes toupgrading performance, which is what LMS is all about, there needs to be adiscussion around upgrading cognition, focus, short term memory, verbalfluency, all of these things.

And my favorite tool for this right now is a BuecheleTruckee, which dies my tongue blue. Some people call it Smurf mode. I call itlimitless Troscriptions makes the product blue canteen, which is my currentfavorite nootropic for all those things. I just mentioned, we're talking verbalfluency, short term memory, limitless like feelings that even given me a desireto do my taxes.

Yes, let me say that twice. I have a desire to do my taxeswhen I take blue. Canatine wow. So if you want to try this out, where do you gohead on over to  troscriptions.Com slashblue canteen, and you can use the code boomer for 10% off. I enjoy this so muchthat I'm involved with the company now. So you should check it out.

troscriptions com / blue cannatine  and use the code boomer for your discount.Let's get back to my conversation with,

Mohammed Enayat: [00:34:04]okay. So, so for me, it's alright. The way I see it, all health care workersare in it for the right reason. Yeah, they don't, you don't go to become anurse or a physician for the money. Yeah. You're not, you're going in there tohelp people.

Right. And then overtime as a health creeps towards thedecline, you, your, your motivation to end your autonomy and independence ofthinking starts to also become, you become indoctrinated in the system. Right?I think the big lever that hasn't been used well enough is the engagement ofthat medical community in a language that they're indoctrinated through.

Right. And what I mean by that is the language of thetraditional evidence based approach, where there is no point, you know, thereis no point, Oh yeah. Doing this amazing work. Without trying to present thefindings and the, the, the anecdotes. Cause we all have patients and people wework with that have been transformed through these ways of working.

How do we standardize it into a language that is presentedto the medical community? That they can just sit back and say, Whoa, They can'targue with it right now. There's the, you know, they're just, Oh, it's twoanecdotes or there's, there's no evidence. There's no evidence because of thatwhole linear based approach to evidence adopting science and innovationsthrough that linear pre disease, post disease status.

We need to overcome that. And that's going to be overcomed.I believe that we're trying to do through this, helping people understand theprocesses and standardizing the betas pre or post intervention that's in place.And bring into those data sets on a real time, real time markers. We couldstart with something like this, but you know, there are others they willimprove over time.

But that, that for me is where if we can, if we can add thisalready, the wakening started to happen within the medical community. I'm, I'ma product of that. Right. And there's going to be much more. UK is a little bitbehind competitors. Some of the other places there's going to be more of it. Asmore physicians like myself, work with more patients who become patientadvocates.

Um, of this type of we're working. So that's one, one biglever is the evidence base and how we present the evidence basis, standardizingit. And I would love to see some centralization of our evidence, um, throughthe many practitioners around the world, um, to say, you know what, the bigproblem that the roots here is that the education and the approach of, um, is,is quite variable.

Right. And that's because the education for thepractitioners is quite variable in their education. Also, there is inbuiltinherit bias within the education because a lot of the education is given bysupplement brands or testing companies. So there's some inherent bias there. So,and that's because, so what, what we need to be doing is learning some of thegreat things of the institution of medicine, which is some, you know, someelements of.

Um, sharing, learning, standardizing evidence, democratizingexpertise, training programs, you know, multidisciplinary team, integrated teamcare approaches as she's what we're trying to do, create a system that candeliver this and what we're, you know what I be working six, seven years, 10years in that mindset of trying to get towards this another 20 year plan.

Um, but. And centralizing, we need, we need, we need supportfrom universities. We need some access to PhDs who can help us mind that data,collect that data globally and say, okay, how many metabolic patients,prediabetic patients, how many COVID patients received within our network?Okay. What was done? And we've got the technology.

Now, the technology is there to be able to mind the datait's just about. Putting it onto ultimately one spreadsheet. We're talkingabout spreadsheets earlier. Yeah. Yeah.

Boomer Anderson: [00:38:17]I mean, it's about collaboration too, right. And I know Cleveland clinic and,um, I think Patrick Hanaway in particular, and a few others have publishedpapers on just the effects of this kind of approach, which we'll label asfunctional medicine, right.

In terms of that integrative approach, um, in terms ofbetter outcomes. And I'll link to that one in the show notes as well. But, uh,this is, this is absolutely fascinating. Now I'll want to, before we get intothe rapid fire questions, doctory, uh, I want to talk about some of these. Uh,therapies you mentioned earlier in terms of hyperbaric oxygen and ozone, um,because at LMS and you know, I love the place, uh, you guys offer these.

Now we have people listening to this who have more of aperformance mindset in the sense that they're pretty healthy and they'relooking for optimization. When we look at, uh, let's just touch on a couple.Ozone and hyperbaric, how would you use those in that construct? Maybe even interms of resilience.

Mohammed Enayat: [00:39:25]So maybe like in the show notes will be cool. If you can put my w in, I'llshare it with you, like our complex systems approach to health. I'll quickly gointo that to help you understand how I came up with the therapies and how weintegrate them and why see the indications for it. So the way we approached itwas okay.

Look. What are the, let's start with the outputs of what arethe things that we produce from our, uh, that we, that we would regard us feeling.Absolutely amazing. That's all, that's all kind of, um, uh, that's an Avanir ofhealth is that vitality, which is defined as strength and youth. Right? Um, sowe came up at 14 hours, energy mood, sleep immunity, digestion.

Information body shape has skin, et cetera, et cetera. Thenwe said, what are the biological cellular processes and pathways that producethose individual outputs and how they interrelated? So we came up with 10, 10groups of biological, um, inputs, everything from, um, oxygen, stress, um,inflammation. Uh, detoxification, micro nutrients, hormones, et cetera.

Right. And we obviously know that, um, they're interrelatedso that they, one of them will be involved with another, they cause two orthree outputs and all 14. And then the middle circle is, um, how ourenvironment, how we eat sleep, mood, stress stuff from the blue zone works andbiohacking world how we can shift our physiology to improve our outputs.

Right. So it's the interplay between those three circlesultimately. Drives those up then we said, okay, let's map the data pointsattached to the middle circle, the inner circle or the biology. So that wetalked about some of that in the foundational testing and the real timephysiology and static measurements you can take.

And then we said, okay, now we understand where you're at,where things are going off, what are the therapies that we can apply to some ofthose 10 groups of things going on? Right. So that's how I curated the therapyis. And that's how I see them being applied. I have a Barrick oxygen causewe're applying them just like, you know, as you're describing, we're applyingit to pre disease patients predominantly we're trying to help people feel thebest they can feel and perform whatever their, you know, whatever their lifegoals are to achieve those life goals is help you.

Biology worked for you. Your health worked for you energywhen you want it sleep when deep restorative, when you need it. Because whenyou sleep better, you have better energy, a better day. Yeah. When your mood ismore resilient, you're going to make better decisions. Okay. So we startedcreating, creating therapy.

So in the therapies we currently use hyperbaric oxygentherapy. We use intravenous, Ivy, Ivy, nutrients, um, Ivy, laser therapy, uh, Germantechnology, um, uh, ozone therapy to reduce oxidative stress, reduceinflammation. That's our primary thing. We use those. We use temples. Yeah,

Boomer Anderson: [00:42:31]I'm just going to ask cause 10 passes there.

Yeah. Cool. I guess you call it the gold standard, right?

Mohammed Enayat: [00:42:37]Yeah. Yeah. We think it's the gold standard. We'll be delivering it byclinicians as well. Right. So we can afford to do, we can get a bit, be a bitmore aggressive. We were trained by a chap called professor . He's the one thatpioneered the temples in Australia is called.

a surgeon by background in his eighties. Amazing, amazing,man. Um, so we use that for reducing oxidative stress and reducing inflammationand. And supporting detoxification. We would recommend they're doing that oncea year for the justification, supporting them once or twice a year, if you can,within the space of a week or two weeks hyperbaric, mitochondrial health.

Yeah. Angiogenesis. So creating micro calories has massiveimpacts of cognition in the enabling self healing pathways. When we. Yeah, ithelps drive deepest sleep STEM cell production from the pressure change fromyour bone marrow as well. So that's how it comes into a UCAB we'll put thecircle up and you'll see STEM cells are in there as well.

So that's where hyperbaric comes in and, you know, the Nobelprize was given just now, but to the scientists that found a hypoxic inducefactor, um, HIF, uh, as the, as the protein that's related to. Um, chronicdisease over time predicted to tissue hypoxia. And that was just this year. Sowe're going to start to see I've a barrier being used a lot more for longevityand, um, preventing disease to ozone hyperbaric and cryotherapy, I thinkcryotherapy.

So on the rates, it in so many ways. Um, and it can be, itshould be used for people that have performance goals, whether it's physical orotherwise. You know, typically we say performance as we see as a physicalthing. Yeah, but actually perform. If your biology is performing, you can bethe best rock star singer.

You can be the best supermom, superdad, whatever, you know,it applies to every, it doesn't have to just be having six pack and beingripped right. Applies to every aspect of life. And so I love cryotherapy.Hoboken hope will require it shifts your physiology. Shifts your, you know, ithelps you build that physiological resilience.

It shifts your hormone status over time. You start toproduce your own growth hormone, your own testosterone shifts your metabolismas well. You start to speed up to them. Agenesis, create heat to keep thetemperature back up, and that helps to shift your mood, your metabolism. Sopeople should do that a bit more regularly.

It is game changer. And obviously, you know, you want to godown to the therapeutic dose, right? A lot of the evidences in the lower, lowertemperatures minus one 20 head in. Downwards to minus one 40. Right. And sothere are some things to learn about that. Um, and then you're working with, todevelop neurofeedback programs working with, um, uh, dr.

Andrew. I'm not sure if you've had them on

Boomer Anderson: [00:45:36]your books. I've been to Peak Brain as well.

Mohammed Enayat: [00:45:40]Yeah. So we're, we're, you know, I love his methodology. It's amazing. Itreally, really intelligent, smart man. And his team does phenomenal work. Um,and so we are, we're trying to introduce, ultimately what I do is I, I haveenough core knowledge to be able to create different approaches and see howthey fit into the system.

Right. Um, and then bring them into that, that neurofeedbackbased approach is part of the mind level. Um, Um, well, so we were looking atbiological approach to their STEM cells. Um, UK regulation is very kind of iffyabout it, so we always want to be staying within regulation. So we are kind ofnavigating that, working with some of the professors at Imperial college, um,to develop programs around that.

So that's it for now in terms of

Boomer Anderson: [00:46:30]it's quite quite a bit in comparison to what most people have experienced andyeah, I would, I would encourage people to come and check you out in London aswell.

Mohammed Enayat: [00:46:40]Um, what's quite nice is compounding them. I mean, compound impact by justunderstanding mechanically, how they work.

We put together, we have to birth an iron man protocol,which is, you know, which is quite nice, which is like an IV it's giving theover nutrients into your blood there. So kids and those nutrients, good qualityones. And we know all our food gets broken down into these core nutrientsanyway, vitamins, minerals, amino acids.

So we give you the core ones. It bypasses. You've got forthose people that have dysbiosis. Then we, we activate yourselves with these,uh, little wavelength wavelets of laser energy. So you've been read for ATP,the four reducing parasites. It depends on where someone's at yellows activatesin say, pathways is going into the sunlight a bit to meet the productionpathways.

And then we put you in oxygen chamber, the pressure drivesdown and helps those nutrients go into the cells better, right? From your, fromyour blood, as it does, as it helps also the oxygen go into your plasma. So youstart to circulate and Scott's been on the. Um, what cause he's actually, youknow, he's, he's on, you know, he he's helped us understand more when he'sconsultant Nate's point supports us with hyperbaric as well.

And so you're now giving hyperoxygenate in all your cells.So that might convince yourselves, preaching needs to be you giving thenutrients that those, that the DNA will code the cell, what to do with it, takethose building blocks and make different things. Then we put you in the cryocauses this constriction and reactive hyperemia of your blood vessels and youget.

Real delivery everywhere. You get this metabolic shift, youget the kind of hormonal impact. You know, people are feeling amazing for oneto two weeks afterwards. It takes them out of this, kind of like some people,motivation's a big problem by performers hearts. You know, you're, you're atthe top of your company, you know, and you've been doing it for a while.

Six, seven, 10 years. Yeah. It's hard then you've got, youknow, it's harder than the environment is volatile when you run a company andyou're. Yeah. Cove is a perfect example of that. Like when you own a businessand it's a hugely dynamic time, you have to adapt so much. Yeah. You need clearthinking. And so, you know, having your biology, working for you is really,really a game changer.

Boomer Anderson: [00:49:00]Absolutely doctor. You got me really excited, man. I got to see if the trainsrun into London today, come down and visit you. Uh, I want to transition now. Iwant to transition now into a couple of rapid fire questions. Before we wrap upa book, which has most impacted your life and how you show up to perform in it.

Mohammed Enayat: [00:49:23]If I start the name one, let's start with, start with why. Simon Simon Sinek.Yeah. I really loved that book. Um, values, purpose, mission, um, staying coreto your core values for, you know, has been a game changer for me. Interestingfor my journey journeys. Like I started in aesthetic medicine. I was never, youknow, I worked in a STEM cell industry prior to that.

I was adult, you know, I worked in setting up a digitalaccelerator, but my sister wanted it. So I helped her do that. I could havebeen stuck in that. You know, it's a profitable business. I could have stayedin it, but you know, it wasn't, it wasn't sitting with my core values. And, youknow, there was that, that book conceptualize there very nicely slim book.

You can see,

Boomer Anderson: [00:50:09]just remember the line that he repeats often in that book. It's like, peopledon't buy what you do. They buy why you do it. Right. And, um, that's great.What's your top trick for enhancing focus,

Mohammed Enayat: [00:50:24]but I give you a cheat,

Boomer Anderson: [00:50:26]cheat. Cheat is

Mohammed Enayat: [00:50:27]really.

So we, yeah, liquid that precast the test though, coding itfor me. It's just, it never, never lets me down. So good. So good. Yeah. Weactually created our own one.

Boomer Anderson: [00:50:45]Yeah. I mean, I always love here had the chance, by the way. It's great. And Ilook forward to trying the liquid GPC. When you guys come up with your own oneand a doctor you, where can people find out more about you?

Mohammed Enayat: [00:51:01]Um, on our websites, on our social media. So I've got at, by doctor at BY D R Eis my Instagram, my LinkedIn. I'm starting to use that a bit more frequently.Um, Look, drop, drop me an email. If you're in London, come visit, you know,you you'll see things that you're not expected to see a medical clinic. The waywe deliver health is it's, it's a, it's a conception.

Is there as a museum for people to kind of engage withhealth, come and visit, you know, if you're in London, come and visit anytime.Yeah. Doors are for, for people that are interested in health. Yeah. So that's,you know, just come I'm always at work pretty much, sadly.

Boomer Anderson: [00:51:41]Uh it's but if you love what you do, that's what matters.

Uh, cause I'm very firm believer. If you love what you do,you can work. There's that phrase. You never work a day in your life. I'm notsure. I necessarily believe that. Cause certain days are harder than others,but it's a good one

Mohammed Enayat: [00:51:58]where, you know, you briefly mentioned this earlier. We're so blessed to be ina space where we feel.

That we can have, we can contribute back to societypositively, um, through our work and it's, um, and, and it's helping theadoption of new ways of working that can further the improvement and that canhave a wider impact. And that's why we're doing it. That's why you're doingwhat you're doing is fine.

They want it right. Is ultimately, it's not about us asindividuals or the core people we work with, but hopefully through thispodcast, through what you're doing, you're going to be inspiring more peoplethat you actually can take control of your biology. And there might be a PhDresearcher. There might be some there's going to be ripples.

And it's from our intention that this stuff happens, youknow, like authentic intention and hard work. Keeps us going. And then theuniversity is to respond to that by because the universe wants improvement, youknow, once bit stuff to happen.

Boomer Anderson: [00:53:02]Cheers, cheers to the ripple, but that's a great place to leave it.

Dr. E I look forward to conversing more, hopefully in yourhyperbaric chamberand loaners.

Absolutely. I, I, I'm going to get myself pregnant with thatright now. Let's do that. That would be, that'd be a lot of fun. We're going tohave to release that video to doctor. Thank you so much. It's been a pleasureto all the superhumans listening out there, having an Epic.

Okay. Alright. So I got lit up at the end when he wastalking ozone therapy, infrared, Ivy, and all kinds of other cool gadgets,which I'm really looking forward to try the next time I'm in London. If youguys want to check out LMS, you can go to LMS wellness.com and book yourappointment in their London headquarters.

If you will. But if you wanted to find out more about thisepisode, head on over to decodingsuperhuman.com/d R E as in dr. E and we haveeverything we talked about listed there for you. I hope you enjoyed thisepisode. And if you did share it out, On your favorite social media channel,that could be LinkedIn, Instagram, tic talk, whatever you're using these daysand tag Decoding superhuman, because I love to hear more from you.

And if this really grabs you in a good way, head over toiTunes or Apple podcasts as is now known and leave us a five star ratingbecause each one of those ratings really, really helps. And while you're at it,subscribe to the YouTube channel. Superhumans. Thank you so much for listening.Have an absolutely Epic day and remember choose health.


Dr. Mohammed Enayat
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