
The Performance Secret Behind Poker Champions with Elliot Roe

Boomer Anderson
August 24, 2021
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The world's leading Hypnotherapist for High Performers, Elliot Roe joins the to talk about hypnotherapy as a solution for anxiety and trauma throughout life. Elliot shares his experiences with his own fear of flying, healing childhood trauma, and supporting World Series of Poker Champions.

Who is Elliot Roe?

Elliot Roe is a leading expert in Mindset Optimization for High Performers and is the world’s #1 Mindset Coach for poker players. In just the last 3 years his poker clients have won over $50,000,000 and nearly every major tournament title, including the World Series of Poker Main Event. His clientele also includes Olympic medalists, UFC Champions, Hollywood Actors, Business executives and wall street traders. His unique mindset coaching system leverages the power of hypnotherapy to eliminate fears and breakthrough mental roadblocks allowing you to operate in a state of peak performance every day.


[3:30] What is hypnotherapy?

[10:30] What happens in a Hypnotherapy session?

[15:11] Core memories and formation of the ego

[22:12] How efficient is hypnotherapy?

[26:15] Coaching World Series of Poker Champion

[31:02] My experience with the Primed Mind App

[33:25] Does hypnotherapy have a role in business?

[37:40] Early child work and Timeline Therapy


Primed Mind App

Poker Mind Coach

Fedor Holz

The Mindset Advantage Poker Podcast

The Primed Mind Podcast

The Art of Learning by Josh Waitzkin

Mindset by Carol Dweck



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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Boomer Anderson: Welcome to decodingsuperhuman. This show is a deep dive into obsessions with health performance,and how to elevate the human experience. I explore the latest tools, scienceand technology with experts in various fields of human optimization. This is yourhost. Enjoy the journey

My guest today on the podcast is one of the world's leadingexperts in mindset optimization. He's worked with. World series of pokerplayers and generated over $15 million in earnings for those poker players,he's worked with the likes of Olympic medalist, UFC champions, Hollywoodactors, business executives, wall street, traders, and so much more.

And his particular modality for doing this is somethingcalled hypnotherapy. Now, Hey, if you're a skeptic, I encourage you to really tuneinto this because we get into anything from Elliot. Well reason for gettinginto hypnotherapy and his fear of flying to some of my experiences with his appand my Ted talk to so much more.

We really break down the utility of this, what we canuncover, how we dig deep through hypnotherapy, and a lot of other things. Theshow notes for this one are decoding And enjoy myconversation with Elliott Roe. I like to publish what I'm using currently interms of technology tools and things that really help me optimize my health.

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Enjoy your blue light blockers and let's get back the show.

Elliot, thank you for making the time.

[00:02:41] Elliot Roe: Hey, thanks so much for having meon the show.

[00:02:44] Boomer Anderson: So we have a number of mutualfriends, uh, people like Sean, Wells, Aja, Yeager, and it's come ups. Your namehas come up so much that I felt like I had to reach out. And I'm really lookingforward to this conversation.

[00:03:00] Elliot Roe: Man.

It's it's, it's good to hear I'm being mentioned

[00:03:03] Boomer Anderson: and all in all good ways.Right? So it's, uh, you know, some people, you know, get mentioned in not sogood ways, but you have always come across as universally. Good. So, uh, let'suh, I want to just dive into it with you if it's okay. Yeah, please do so. Anumber of people are listening to this, eh, May have a certain stereotype aboutthe idea of hypnosis, um, perhaps it's from whatever bugs bunny commercial or,you know, cartoon that we had growing up or whatever.

But if we can just lay the groundwork and I apologize forthe, really the elementary question here, but if we can lay the groundwork forpeople in sort of what is hypnosis and what it is, it's, uh, I would love tostart there.

[00:03:47] Elliot Roe: Um, so, I mean, the first thing ishypnotherapy, which is, which is what I practice.

Um, isn't what you would think of in terms of stage hypnosisor what you'd see on television. So the stage shows are sort of a clever effectthat utilizes social pressure hypnosis and a very small percentage of theaudience. So it particularly suggests. Um, hypnotherapy is much more like aguided meditation with a focus.

So if you think about meditation, um, you're looking toclear your mind and then as thoughts come in, you're sort of redirectingyourself back to your room. And that's the process of meditation is you'retaking control by not following the thought with hypnotherapy. We get to thesame translate state, deepened state, but instead we're looking to absolutelyfocus on one area.

And typically it's an emotion, so anxiety, and we sort ofdig in to this emotion of anxiety in, in that state. Um, which there is nothingmagic too, but the subconscious is dominant, um, able to start showing youwhere those issues came from. So you'll start having these memories start toappear and start to create a narrative as to why you're feeling that physicalsensation of that emotion in your body.

And then we look to reframe those emotions, adjust andchange the memories so that the triggers are no longer there in your everydaylife. So it's this process of discovery through almost a guided meditationprocess. So when people are like, oh, I can't be hypnotized. They're usuallyref referencing that they would never go on a stage and do a dance, which ispersonally, I never would.

That's normal, not something that would happen. Um, however,when, once it's framed as this is, this is another form effectively ofmeditation, but it's meditation with a purpose. Um, I think a lot of people canunderstand it differently when it's, when it's that it's just a natural toolthat we can use to hack into really like the DAS programming that's behind thewindows system.

So talk therapy a lot of the time you're, you're hitting thethings that are on the surface. And with hypnotherapy, we were able to get moreinto the code and get an understanding of why those things are appearing on thesurface.

[00:05:59] Boomer Anderson: I want to take people throughthe process here in just a second. I think there, I would love to just hear,how did you come into hypnotherapy because did you grow up saying like, Hey, Iwant to be in a hypnotherapist or was there a couple of events in your lifethat you said, this is what I want to do?

[00:06:22] Elliot Roe: Yeah. So, um, certainly didn'tgrow up thinking I was going to be a hypnotherapist that's for sure. Um, solike most people are skeptical of it and the therapy. Um, but I had asignificant fear of flight. So I would turn down long haul trips because Ididn't want to be able to play in that long and with sort of vacations, um, youknow, I'd be concerned two or three weeks before the trip.

I'd spend the whole vacation on the beach, worrying aboutthe plane on the way back and. Be worried again for when we spoke to the nextholiday.

[00:06:52] Boomer Anderson: If you don't mind, Elliot,what does, so I've gone through the fear of filing, flying and been forced tofly for an occupation before, I guess if we can just set the stage for people,what was your occupation then?

And then,

[00:07:08] Elliot Roe: so, so back in those days, I was.I was in property. So I was in real estate and then real estate investment andthen solar energy investment. So over that sort of time period episodes over anumber of years. Um, so I didn't, I didn't need to fly for work. This was, thiswas, you know, being offered opportunities, which were, you know, friends goinginto the states and me turning down, going on vacation with them, that sort ofthing.

Yeah. Um, but it was a relatively big impact on my life.Someone recommended a hypnotherapist and, um, I thought went they're skeptical.And she managed to resolve it in an hour, um, which is an extremely goodresult. Um, but what was really interesting to me is, so I get into this verydeep, relaxed state. Um, she asks me, you know, when else, if you felt this wayand I'm talking about turbulence on an airplane, and then we go even deeper andI get to a memory child.

Rum very small child at grandfather's house. Um, see apicture of a small plane and I was told it crashed and killed his businessplan. Wow. So, you know, we bring up this memory, we rationalize through itthrough, through an adult perspective of that doesn't mean planes are dangerousand I feel differently afterwards, but the reason it was particularly powerfulfor me was it wasn't a memory that I had any memories of that I was aware of.

And then I went home and I checked it with my mom. Next timeI saw her and she was like, yeah, that happened. So a memory I wasn't aware ofthat completely explained my fear of flying was brought up within this firstsession. And then I just felt differently about flying afterwards and that, youknow, that played on my mind a lot.

I was very interested by this. Like suddenly my life haschanged and I can see the world. Um, so I went and got trained as ahypnotherapist and this is. I guess 2009. Um, so this is a couple of yearsafter I'd actually had the experience. Um, and then I was expecting to do it asa, you know, oh, one of my friends is scared of spiders, all fixed them.

Like this is a fun thing to be able to do. And then I juststarted helping people and word of mouth grew and someone else had asked me andsomeone else had asked me and it ended up turning into a business from that.Yeah. I ended up falling in love with the job and being, you know, thedifference between doing investment type work and helping people change theirlives.

Um, the amount of satisfaction between the two is prettysubstantial. So as

[00:09:34] Boomer Anderson: a former banker, I can relateto that. You understand,

[00:09:37] Elliot Roe: it's just, it's just completelydifferent. So I got to spend my days doing something where I felt I was helpingpeople and, and it really, yeah. The inertia just grew from there.

And almost everything was word of mouth, because like yousaid, I mean, everyone's skeptical of hypnotherapy and hypnosis because of theway it's being portrayed by the media. So advertising doesn't really work. Soif you see a popup Facebook ad that says you're a CEO of a company, you shouldwork with hypnotherapists that he wrote the chance of you deciding to work withme, I would say it's very, very small.

Um, so my entire business was just built on friends,recommending friends and that sort of gone on for a day.

[00:10:15] Boomer Anderson: Very very cool. I would loveto just get a sense of the experience. So if somebody is working with you, um,Is it an hour. And if you don't mind just kind of taking us through the partsthat they would go through, is it, is it over, I guess during COVID, do youhave to kind of do things over zoom, but you know, do you typically do this inperson or how would you do a session?

[00:10:41] Elliot Roe: So why do virtually all of my workover zoom and I have done for the whole time, um, most people are somewhereelse in the country or they're international. Um, I wouldn't be able to run mybusiness. Based on the geographical location. And the great thing withhypnotherapy is it's audio. You know, there's, there's no swinging watch andthings like that.

Um, effectively, if you're in my office and I say, Hey,close your eyes, take a deep breath. Your eyes are closed. And you're listeningto me. Talk to you. It's actually no different from you being on zoom, wearingyour headphones. And I'm saying close your eyes, take a deep breath. The wholeprocess is an audio process.

So I'm very fortunate there. Um, that I work online, uh,that I can work online. Um, in terms of a first session would be an hour, wouldbe two hours and there would be around a 90 minutes of intake. So theirbackground history, the different emotions they're struggling with. Usuallythere's some level of self-sabotage that we're covering fear of failure, fearof success, some repeating pattern they're seeing in their life that they'rereaching out to me for.

So they're being destruction of in relationships. They'rehaving anger issues. They, their money keeps hitting a certain level and theycan't get past it. So every time I get to a million dollars in my business, wecan't grow whatever it might be. Typically, typically though, the client hascome to me because of that sort of issue.

Um, and then we work out what we feel is costing them themost, either financially or emotionally. And then we do the first hypnotherapysession on that area. And they're usually around 30 minutes, the actualhypnotherapy side at the beginning of it is an induction and a deepener. Sothink of this, like the beginning of a Headspace audio, um, or we've got theapp prime mind, which the hypnotherapy app.

So be closing your eyes, taking a deep breath, going througha body scan and then deepening that sensation and getting the person very, veryfocused in, on themselves. And. Effectively going into their imagination. Sothe subconscious is then becoming dominant over the conscious mind. We're thenexploring the emotions that they're struggling with.

So every time I try and make the sales call, I know any tomake, I feel a sickness in my stomach or a pressure. So it will be using thatas the starting point. So just wrote me that feeling in your stomach. I feel apressure. I feel the heat. I feel attention. I just can't do it. And then I'llsay, when else have you felt this way?

And a memory will pop up in their mind. Um, and they'll sayI'm 25 and this was happening. And then we'll go to another memory and anothermemory of not, and we'll reach some kind of initial event that gives us a verygood understanding of why a child would think that this is a significant issue.And effectively what's happened is they've created a core program that was veryuseful for them when they were three to seven years old, but they're stillplaying this in their fifties.

And we're going back to those early core memories and thenreframing them. So look at this through your eyes. How do you view this now?You see it rationally, um, hugging the child, showing love, showing affection,just the typical inner child work. And then. As we do that within thehypnotherapy hypnosis state, typically that creates a big emotional response.

It's not rare for my clients to be crying during this periodof the sessions. Um, and then as they come out of the session, oftentimesthey'll, they'll, they'll notice the things that they treat that triggered thempreviously. Don't trigger them in the same way. So the making the sales call,might've been a nine out of 10 pressure, and now it's a five out of 10pressure.

So it's not something they can do and they can get thepractice in. And with the practice, it gets down to a two or three, and thenthey can function in that area. And there's a lot of other techniques that I'musing as well. There's parts therapy, there's different types of timelinetherapy within it.

Some NLP techniques, um, however, The basis of the majorityof my work is understanding why someone is behaving in the way they are,because anytime you're doing something illogical, your subconscious actuallyhas a reason for it. It's not random. So that's really the work. So.

[00:14:48] Boomer Anderson: A lot there Elliott and wereally want to really want to unpack some of it at least today.

Okay. So let's take for instance, and I wouldn't say I'vecome to a resolution with this, but you know, Uh, but, uh, certainly diminisheda lot since I've, uh, at least recently, but like public speaking is a verycommon fear that people have. Right. Um, and as we're going through ouruncovering the story as to why that is, you hinted at something about eventsbetween the age of three and seven, why is three and seven significant here or.

Is that just an example, like, could this be pre-cognitiveeven so like before you're in the womb,

[00:15:35] Elliot Roe: eventually it could bepre-cognitive. Um, typically where I see the big change happening is duringthose years, and this is, this is when, um, our brains are developing and wewere creating a framework for it.

So during those years, um, if we think of, from anevolutionary perspective, the child is learning to live in the environment thatthat particular child is being brought into. And a child is not innately afraidof a tiger. Right. But if a mom sees the tiger, the mom is going to start it.And from that point forward, the child, we'll say, look, and they look at Shaw,the tiger they'll have an adrenaline response because they know that it'ssomething they're supposed to be scared of.

Yeah. So there's a period in our life where our programmingis very mental. And effectively, that's where we see the majority of theseinefficient programs have been created because from an evolutionaryperspective, it was incredibly useful 20,000, 30,000 years ago, and not souseful in the last 200 years.

So, so that's why we see those areas. Now, these, theseissues can be created later in life, but often times that's with very severe.So PTSD type issues are effectively something getting into the programming, butat a later stage. And that's why they're so impactful. Um, but typically thethings that impact you in later life are impacting you because you've createdsome kind of initial sensitizing event, some kind of trigger previous to that.

That makes it scary. So having. Having a spider thrown inyour hair isn't necessarily scary. It could be something you laugh at. However,if your mom was screaming, whenever she saw a spider, having a spider termthrown into your hair is terrifying for you. Um, so we're looking at really,it's typically those sorts of ages sometimes up to the age of 10, where we seethe sort of the very interesting situations, but it's rarely much later thanthat, that I see.

As, as the initial starting point, typically the startingpoint is somewhere through childhood and oftentimes realistic. Uh, an awful lotof it is linked to just self-worth and self-love so, you know, public speaking,um, you're putting yourself out there to be judged by your peers. Um, thatwe'll go back to, sometimes it goes back to public speaking memories of, youknow, I was five years old.

I was giving a talk at kindergarten and this happened. Um,but also oftentimes it can go back to parents being very critical of the youngchild. So feeling that they're not good enough, they're not loved. They're notintelligent. And now in a public speaking. Position, you have to go out and youhave to put yourself out to the judgment of society.

And again, from an evolutionary perspective, living intribes, putting yourself to the judgment of your peers is a very scary thing.It's a very dangerous thing historically as well. Um, so that's, that's thesort of thing. I mean, effectively, everything usually comes down to love andself-worth am I lovable?

Am I enough? Am I good enough? And what made you not feelthose ways?

[00:18:47] Boomer Anderson: There seems to be acorrelation here with also just general ego development. Right. So when I I'veheard it and I'm not a neuroscientist, but like I've heard it said that likethe ego tends to develop towards the tail end of these ages.

Is there. A general correlation. I mean, cause these thingsget seated almost pre ego and then the ego develops around it. And is that kindof the reason why it's subconscious pre COVID times? I went through theaudacious goal of trying to run a marathon in under six weeks of training. Thiswas after two years of strict power lifting.

So you can imagine that I was operating at the Lea oppositeends of the proverbial bar. One of the tools that I used in that training wassomething called a ketone Ester. And so you've probably heard a lot about theketogenic diet. And if you haven't, well, you can really check out some of thepodcasts I've done with the likes of Dom D'Agostino.

But one of the things that I used was exoticness ketones.Like I mentioned before, a ketone Ester, and it was pretty incredible. For howit helped my performance. The ketone Ester that I used was the ketone aid. Andit's rumored that it's being used in anything from like the tour de France, butalso other endurance events around the world.

I know people that. To help sleep better, which isinteresting or help fuel their brain in the morning for cognitive performance.Again, the ketone Ester that I used was ketone aid, and you can head on over toketone and use the code decoding superhuman. That's a long one, butit's the name of this podcast for a discount it's ketone and use thecode decoding superhuman for an awesome

[00:20:31] Elliot Roe: discount.

Yeah, it seems that these programs are locked in placebefore that development. It seems to be the case. So we're running these again,this, um, I really liked the analogy of a computer it's it's like the coreprogramming of the rules. And these rules are running and then sort of how welearn to live in life.

Um, it's sort of overlayed on top of that, but there's acore basis of rules that in most cases, your subconscious is trying to justkeep you safe and keep you alive. So the person who, when they feel in any way,offended or threatened gets extraordinarily angry. Probably they've seen thatsomewhere in their childhood is an effective way for them to stay safe.

Um, someone who gets particularly anxious and hides away andsame thing, they've, they've seen it somewhere as an effective way for them tomaintain safety. And all it is is we have this core overriding program thatsays trigger happened. This is what boom has. And, and do you just findyourself doing it and you feel the physical response and, um, and that's reallywhere we have the route into it is because if you're having a physicalsensation from a trigger as an adult, there's a subconscious reason why, andthat's our entry point from hypnotherapy.

[00:21:51] Boomer Anderson: Fascinating. Now, during thecourse of these sessions with people, is there, you mentioned earlier thatsometimes, or actually in your own experience that fear of flying almost wentaway or was diminished in a first session? Uh, how quick is it or is it thecase that everybody is individual and may take multiple sessions depending onthe situation?

[00:22:17] Elliot Roe: So I was very fortunate. I think Ihad an extremely fortunate first session, which is what threw me into this,this direction. And, um, there's usually change after a first session. Likethat's normal, there's some, some percentage tone, tone down of the emotion.Um, and then it just depends if the person wants to keep working in that area.

So, so let's say with my fear of flying, it, didn't go froma 10 to a zero. It went from a tempo, probably a nine, I guess 10 means I wouldnever have gone on a plane. I did get on them sometimes. Um, probably went froma nine to a five. And the five men, I was happy to book vacations and happy toget on planes.

And then the getting on planes and getting used to it, madeit much lower again. And you know, if I'm on a plane and there's crazyturbulence, I'm still not going to be a hundred percent comfortable, but I'mnot going to be 100% comfortable in the way that most people on the plane. Ahundred percent comfortable, rather than on a smooth flight feeling like otherpeople, intelligent tablets.

Um, and, and it's sort of that expectation of there will besome change typically very early on. And then it just depends how deep you wantto go. Like how much of an issue is this? Now the work I'm doing withexecutives, CEOs, founders of companies, those sorts of people. This is muchmore fine. So they're not coming to me with a crisis.

Oftentimes they're saying, Hey, you know, things are goinggreat. We're being really successful. However, I noticed this subtle block inthis area, but this subtle block is costing us X million dollars. And if Icould just change this one way, I'm dealing with this situation, um, this changesour business or this changes my personal life or my relationship with my wifeor, or whatever it might be now that's usually because it's more subtle.

It's sometimes harder to get the same level of changebecause. My subconscious knew exactly where the fear of flying was coming from,because it was turned up to a 10 or nine or whatever recalling it. Um, sothere's a huge physical response. Um, so it threw up the memory straight away.It's like, this is coming from here.

This is why planes are dangerous. Um, when it's more subtle,typically I'm working with, I generally work with people for 10 sessions. Um,you know, there's, there's usually plenty of things for us to cover over those10 sessions that that would be normal 10 sessions over around six hours. And

[00:24:34] Boomer Anderson: if I were to compare thiswith something like meditation, which would take, I mean, in my case, it's likea years of doing it to get similar effects, that the effect that you get, theresult that you get is incredibly quick to, is that fair to say.

[00:24:52] Elliot Roe: Yeah, well, I mean, I would expectmost people after their first session to be saying things have started tochange. So it's very, very fast because you're being guided to the places youdon't want to go. So with meditation, you still have to overcome the fact thatyou have blinds spots and your mind typically doesn't want to go to thoseplaces and we hide them away.

And that's where the chemotherapy having someone take youthrough this place process and helping you bring up the things that happened inyour childhood that you don't like thinking about and reframing them into a waythat those things are Toro tolerable, to think of. To work, to feel and, andhave those feelings of stress diminish from them, um, is just, I believe a, afaster process to getting that, but getting to that, but you know, things likemeditation are incredibly powerful and other types of therapies.

This is just the modality that I predominantly use as aperformance coach, because I've found it to be the most effective for mypersonality type to work with.

[00:25:52] Boomer Anderson: Fascinating. All right. Sowant to get into a little bit more in terms of, uh, I guess use cases in thiscase, but also talking about some of your past experiences.

Uh, we have a mutual friend, uh who, uh, has done quite wellin the poker world. Let's say that, uh, I know if you're willing to share, uh,He has worked with you in the past. And just, what does that look like from, Imean, he's an incredibly smart person. Um, he came to you and just, uh, what,what is, what did that process look like with fedora?

[00:26:34] Elliot Roe: Um, so I ended up with federalfor, for people who don't know he's, he's one of the world's best poker knownas one of the world's best poker players. Now, um, he started working with mebefore he had that run of success. Um, so we started working together aroundsome self-sabotage issues and all of this is public.

We've spoken about it on podcasts and that's where I candiscuss what's what's been discussed already. Um, so he was, he was noticing.That he wasn't getting the results that, that he believed he should beattaining in poker. And that, again, it was this subtle. I feel likesomething's holding me back, but I'm not sure what's holding me back orwhatever.

If I overcome this is going to lead to an awful lot ofsuccess. So, so we're looking in those moments to anywhere where there's a lackof. There's something that just doesn't quite make sense as they're talkingthrough their processes, when they're talking about their emotions at finaltables. Um, and then every, as we discuss these topics in depth, there willjust be clear signs of an area that doesn't, isn't quite as rational as otherareas.

And then once again, we'll be doing the hypnotherapy onthose particular topics, um, to try and understand why the self-sabotagebehaviors in place. So in his case, there was some self sabotage behavior thatwas holding him back from really fully realizing his potential. Um, so, um, wewere really fortunate.

We went from a situation where he hadn't won any major livetournament. Um, and he won everything for around two years and I think he'scashed $30 million since we started that process of, of working on these. Andhe's kind enough to put a lot of, you know, some that success down to the workthat we did on overcoming these, these sabotage behaviors.

And, you know, they're not. The sort of sabotage we'retalking about in people that are, world-class have very subtle, this isn't a,you know, these people that are destroying their lives, they're doing somecrazy behavior. It's this subtle, Hey, this just doesn't quite make sense. Ifwe can refine this, I sort of visualize it in my mind.

Of like, you know, we'll start as a cube. And as we do theemotional work, we're rounding the edges and rounding ages and rounding theedges. And we're trying to turn into a ball and you know, these people who cometo me that already extraordinarily successful, you know, I'm not getting anycubes coming.

Yeah, getting people like it's a slightly on circular ball,but the difference from sanding off that final bit of emotional edge suddenlymeans they can roll smoothly and then crazy things happen. I mean, I've had.Unbelievable success in poker. It's been way over a hundred million dollars. Myclients have won.

I've had people break records in sports. I've had people winUFC championships. Um, I've had traders become some of the top traders inAmerica. Um, and I really do you feel that it's when the potential's there, ifyou can smooth off that, that final rough patch, then life just gets an awfullot easier. It's

[00:29:38] Boomer Anderson: so.

And, and just, you know, I think faders right now, One, whattwo world series of poker championships is it?

[00:29:47] Elliot Roe: Oh, no. So he's, I'm trying tothink. So he's got one bracelet, but I mean, he won all of the high roller tournaments.He won just about a year and he just, uh, decimated the field, um, for a coupleof years and then retired, um, from full-time poker and from focus more onbusiness now.

Um, so, so yeah, that was, that was an exceptional,exceptionally fun. Fun ones to be working on and really had a huge impact on mycareer. We, we went through that process and like I said, he was, he was verygenerous in the way that he, he talks about the work we'd done. And he wantedus to share that with more people.

And, um, he helped back an app that I created a hypnotherapyapp prime mind, so that effectively. More people could try hypnosis and purelydown to the success he had had, and he wanted more people to have access to it.So we have prime mind on the iTunes store and Google play. So

[00:30:40] Boomer Anderson: let's go a little bit in aprime mind, and then I want to come back over into that executive crowd.

So I've. Had a subscription to prime mine, basically, Ithink since you guys have launched it, but, um, uh, and it's, uh, it's been auseful tool for me. And, uh, it's been interesting to see the development overthe years. Um, no. Prime mind just to set it up for people. Are they, I believeit's all like close to 20 minutes in terms of different hypnotherapy experiences.

[00:31:12] Elliot Roe: Yeah. So there's, there's around.I think there are 40 free audios in the app if you just sign up and downloadedit. And then if you like pay for the upside, it's like this, the upgrade, this300 audios, something like that. And they're all hypnotherapy suggestion,audios, you know, obviously it's only me speaking, the person can't speak back.

It's an app. Um, but it's suggestion, audios to try and usevisualization to prepare yourself in a specific area of life. Um, so there arepublic speaking audios, there's doing a sales call. There's going to sleep atnight there's courses to work on your confidence on winner's mindset, um, ondealing with relationship issues on forgiving people.

So it's like a short. I think they start at 15 minutes up toabout 25, 30 minutes audio program, all with a very specific topic. So the ideais you're priming yourself for a certain thing that you want to resolve. Um, itdiffers slightly from meditation, which is usually more, you know, meditationas a focus exercise rather than this is hypnotherapy.

So it's, like I said, meditation with a purpose is, is agood way to.

[00:32:20] Boomer Anderson: And, you know, you didn't askme to cue this beforehand. And in fact, I haven't told you this yet, but I didahead of, I gave a Ted talk about two years ago now and it was TEDx. And Ithink I, at that point I was listening to the public speaking one on almostrepeat every single day.

[00:32:39] Elliot Roe: That's really cool, man. Yeah.

[00:32:41] Boomer Anderson: It's. And again, publicspeaking for me has been one of those. And I'm sure if I were to work with you,one-on-one, you'd uncover some, something that's happened between me andprobably my father when I was younger, um, that I don't even recognize today,but I, I would say in the lead up to that event, uh, it was incredibly helpful.


[00:33:02] Elliot Roe: thank you. Well, thank you. Yeah.Thanks for giving it a try. And that's literally, literally what man made theapp for is there's these stories out there that I never had. Whereas, likesomeone's performed better at a certain event, um, because they put in, put inthe time of the app. So that's really awesome.

[00:33:19] Boomer Anderson: Let's go back to theexecutive crowd because that's the majority of the people listening to thisshow right now. What are some of the typical things? And you mentioned thesesubtle bumps, right. And, and sort of the rounding of the sphere, but what aresome of those subtle bumps that come up? Is it just sales calls?

Is it public speaking? Is there a common theme to thosesubtle bumps?

[00:33:42] Elliot Roe: Um, I mean, it, it shows updifferently for different, different founders, different executives. Um, butthere are certainly some, some themes I see with founders. Um, a lot ofinsecurity comes up in investment rounds. So looking for funding, um, that,that creates a lot of anxiety and it creates a lot of meetings that are set up.

So, so that's one stage where a lot of them will come to me.They're saying, Hey, we're, we're looking to do, uh, you know, our next series.Um, I'm having these emotions come up when I'm having my investor meetings. Um,I know that I'm not performing to my best, so, so that's a common theme. Um,staff retention.

Is is something that's very significant. So an understandingof how to communicate and why they're communicating poorly with their staff. Soanother time, like if someone's noticing that they losing good stafffrequently, they'll, they'll reach out to me. And then there's the sort of thefears around growth.

Uh, there are a lot of people who have a subconscious fearof being extraordinarily successful and they create a level of wealth that theyfeel comfortable with. And then they can't move past that because of something thatthey've learned. Um, and, and a lot of the time it's quite round numbers forsome people that's a hundred thousand for some it's quarter of a million, halfa million.

I've seen it up to tens of millions and then someone hits upjust a point of like no past, this is unacceptable. And what will happen isthey'll, they'll bring themselves back to this level over and over again, overmultiple years. And they'll be coming to me saying, Hey, like I know I'm stuckon this number and there's no logical reason why my business has stopped.

Like we hit a million, a million dollars profit every yearfor the last four years. And there's no reason why our business shouldn't begrowing past this, but every time it starts to go above, I find a way ofgetting rid of the money, investing poorly, whatever it might be. Um, and thenwe're working through these, these issues around typically guilt and shamearound wealth and, and looking at that.

And then I guess the final one is the people not giving ahundred percent because it protects them. So they have all of these ideas, theyknow what would grow their business best, but then they find themselves notdoing it. And it tends to show up as this ego protection of they're doing wellenough, but they're not doing extraordinarily.

But if they try, they might fail and that will make themfeel bad, but if they don't try, they can tell themselves a kid, a tried and Iwould have made a hundred million dollars, but I just wasn't able to, I justchose not to try. So they've maintained control and that kind of ego protectionshows up for lots of people in lots of ways.

And you know, the thing that usually comes up is clever kidin school. Doesn't have to study for exams to get good grades. The exam startsto get harder. The kid still doesn't study because it's much more comfortablegetting a B with no work put in than putting in the work and then not gettingthe a, because they can sort of tell themselves that, Hey, if I tried, Iwould've got the best score, but I'm not sort of putting myself in the game.

So, so you removing the emotional risk of no longer seeingyourself as intelligent. And it's just that playing out through the business.

[00:36:54] Boomer Anderson: What percentage of these guyscome or women come to you as sort of fear of failure versus fear of success, oris it usually mixed?

[00:37:04] Elliot Roe: Well, I, I believe that thatalmost always intertwined the fear of success, success, and fear of failure.

Um, however someone defines it. Usually when we dig into it,there's some facet of both is showing us. Um, it's, it's hard to describe, butthey sound complete opposites, but they're actually, they're actually veryclose when you start thinking.

[00:37:28] Boomer Anderson: A couple of terms that havecome up quite a bit in this conversation.

And with regards to when you're working with these types ofpeople, uh, two things that came up for early child work and then timelinetherapy, uh, if you're willing to explain it, uh, what would be the differencebetween those two.

[00:37:49] Elliot Roe: Um, so I mean, the way that, Imean, I see them as very close actually. Um, because we're doing, we're doing aversion of timeline therapy to, to bring up the inner child, the early childwork, where what I do is slightly different is I mix that in then my innerchild work.

I also mix in with parts therapy, um, which is seeing theparts of yourself that seeing yourself as separate parts, um, Sort of seeingthe issue as a part of yourself rather than as yourself separating it out andthen going into the childhood memories and understanding that that part can bechanged if you adjust the memories.

Um, I'm probably not describing this. Succinctly asoccurred. Um, but effectively what I look to do is we'll look through thetimeline. We'll find the different Keystone memories that you need to workthrough, or we'll go into those memories and change them like I was describing,but we'll also be looking at the part of the self who has been.

Is a representation of these issues. So the anxious part ofyou, what does the anxious part of you look like? The part of you that comesout when you think about public speaking? Um, within a hypnotherapy session,when you're in that altered state, um, you'll be describing that as he's frail,he's young, he's weak, he shaking, whatever it might be.

Okay. Where did this part of you come from? When did youlearn. That behavior bring up another memory. Um, we'll then adjust thosememories and we'll go back to that part and we'll see how that part of you haschanged. And typically that part of you will look completely different. So he'sstanding tall, he's stronger and, and what's happening is as you're changingthe information in the memories, you're changing the way the person visualizesthe client, visualizes their subconscious.

And by making that change, they see their subconsciouschanging. It's no longer speaking to them in the same way that it was beforethat sort of the, it shows us that the trigger has changed and then the sort ofreleasing and working through that. So, so I'm doing sort of a combination ofmultiple therapies within the session, but effectively all doing the samething, which is just to trying to change the beeper program that the clientstruggling with.

That's just been repeating for those years.

[00:40:11] Boomer Anderson: Those people who are thinkingback to like when they were seven or four and not drawing up Emory anymemories. Is that going to be an issue in session or do you, does the fact thatthey're in, I guess, trans or whatever the state is, does that help them re uh,bring out these events in their

[00:40:31] Elliot Roe: mind?

Yeah, so definitely things come up, just like I said, withmy situation with the flight, um, I wasn't consciously aware of the memory thatwas there. If she had asked me, why do you think you're scared of flying? Thereis 0% chance that I would have come up with that particular situation. So whenyou're in this very deep, very focused state, you just have more access thanyou would have in a normal conversation.

Um, we also sort of, you need to be aware that if you'rehaving a very strong, emotional response to something. Your subconscious knowswhy it's having the very strong, emotional response to something. So, you know,if you're, if you're coming with a fear that's a nine or a 10. The memories,even if you're not consciously aware of them, they will show themselves up aswe start exploring those.

Because, um, otherwise you wouldn't have the fear at thatlevel. It would be a subtle discomfort if you were unaware. But if it's asomething that's really holding you back from living your life. You, yoursubconscious knows reasoning. These things just pop up. They just come out veryeasily. And again, obviously it differs clients, clients.

Sometimes it takes a few sessions, but the typical responseis the bigger, the emotion someone's coming with. The easier it is to find theroot cause of that.

[00:41:53] Boomer Anderson: Elliot. This has beenamazing. I think I get asked questions of you for hours and hours, but I wantto be cognizant of your time. I want to round off with just a final fewquestions here.

Focus for you when you need to really dig into something andperhaps get into a flow state. Is it easy or do you have tools that you use?And if so, what are those?

[00:42:19] Elliot Roe: Um, it's sort of what you'retrying to say is it's not easy, but it is pre-planned in the way that Istructure my entire week. Um, so on a daily basis, I'm, um, Or utilize a saunain the mornings.

Um, I work out with a trainer five days a week. I have amassage once a week. I see a hypnotherapist every two weeks. I see a businesscoach once a month. I go to an energy worker once a month and I have assistedstretching. So it's quite easy for me to get into those states, but it's easybecause I'm putting hours and hours a week into making it easy.

So it's this sort of. But it's easy because of the effortthat's put in. And I guess therefore, it's, it's a lot of effort to be able toget myself into that state. Um, but I find that it pays off. All of thosethings are an investment for me that allow me to have more emotional controland more focused control

[00:43:13] Boomer Anderson: as a performance coach.

What excites you most about the world we live in right now?When it comes to the performance aspect of things?

[00:43:25] Elliot Roe: Um, I think it's people realizingthat th this is sort of untapped to some extent. Um, so a lot of people who arecoming to me, they've, they're exploring a lot of options now. So, you know,everyone's a biohacker to, to some extent, um, but it's all opening up.

So if we think back to, you know, the, the early twothousands, um, The options for optimization were just so completely differentto now. I mean, I'm talking to you as a hypnotherapist who works withhigh-performance. Like, I, I doubt there were very many people doing this inthe world 20 years ago, even now that they're already on.

And for me, it's just seeing this. New wave of a generationof people who are just like, I want to see what happens if I get my mind in thebest possible state and my body in the best possible state and I'm restingproperly and I'm sleeping well, and I'm building good relationships. So I guessmy excitement isn't around, whether someone's going to win an Olympic medal.

It's this. Movement towards like better living ready. Eventhe optimization side is the happiness side that it brings is more important tome than that. The true just net performance is seeing that if you get all ofthese things, right, you live a happier life and happier lives tend to lead tobetter performances in every area.

Um, so I, yeah, it's like sort of that theme is what'sexciting for me,

[00:44:49] Boomer Anderson: uh, which has most impactedyou and how you show up in your life.

And for the record, I didn't send you any of these questionsbeforehand. So I'm putting you on the spot.

[00:45:03] Elliot Roe: Give me some, yeah, just trying tothink. There's lots and lots of good folks. Um, He can go with one of them. Theone that, the one that was most useful for me in working with poker players, um,and sort of a thought process around mindset for performance.

I was the artist we're learning by just white skin. Um, Ifound that a really powerful book found it. Interesting. Seeing a lot of thethings I was doing was shown in the book, but there's this subtlety of. Thisidea that if anyone knows the story of Josh, he was a world-class chess player.And then he became a world champion in martial arts.

And where it was interesting to me was it was, it wasshowing me what I was seeing in my own. Um, it, it was seeing me sort of in myown work where it doesn't really matter the thing that people are doing.There's a process to high performance using mindfulness and pre-planning andstrategies that will allow you to perform at the top level of anything.

So my sessions with UFC fighters aren't dramaticallydifferent to my sessions with CEOs or crypto traders or poker, trout players,or Olympic athletes. And that's sort of what I sort of felt that theme fromthat book. And I found that really interesting. I love, I always talk aboutthis book. Um, I love the book mindset by Carol Dweck growth versus fixedmindsets.

Um, so useful to so many of my clients and even in the waywe raise our children. Um, I think that's a really good book. If you haven'tread it

[00:46:37] Boomer Anderson: Elliot, where can people findout more about you and if they want to work with you, how do they get in touch?

[00:46:43] Elliot Roe: So I have a website, Um, if you're looking for coaching with me or someone who I'vetrained and then primed mind, the app that I was talking about, um, do you geta prime or if you look it up on the app store, you can download that.

And then we also have a podcast on the prime mind website aswell. Um, but we talked to high-performance about these types of sessions.

[00:47:04] Boomer Anderson: Elliot, like I said before,we have a lot of mutual friends and this is a conversation that has been a longtime coming. I hope it's the first of many, but thank you again for taking thetime today.

It's been an absolute

[00:47:17] Elliot Roe: pleasure, man. I've really enjoyedit. Um, thanks so much for having me on

[00:47:21] Boomer Anderson: all right. To all thesuperhumans, listening out there have an absolutely epic day. If you found thatconversation enjoyable and who doesn't like diving into the weeds on thingslike hypnotherapy head on over to apple podcasts and leave a five-star review.

I love to hear from you guys. So please reach out there,sign up to the email list and of course, interacting with me on all thesocials. But first and foremost, let's go to apple podcast and leave a review.Thank you guys for your attention today. And the show notes for this one aredecoding

Thank you.


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